Cycling Delights - 0piel EP (lofi IDM, OT+Peak)

My second release! After my first album came out, I acquired an Octatrack and my life was forever changed. Every track here was made using improvisations on the Novation Peak (with occasional percussion from a DSI Tempest and Nord Drum 3P) as the primary sound source, live-looped and mangled/rearranged/effected with the Octatrack, and finally committed to 4-track cassette on the Portastudio 424mkii.

My main goals for these songs were to explore texture and rhythm moreso than on the first album. I was often surprised with the strange and beautiful (to my ears) sounds this combo was capable of producing, and the Portastudio helped add an extra layer of grit at the end :slight_smile:

I’d be honored if anyone here gave this a listen!


I really enjoyed this! I think Memory Debris was my favorite track. The cassette texture really ties the whole project together as a dreamy travel through sound.

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Wow, thanks so much, seriously! I’m glad you liked that one. I almost scrapped it because it had a different ending that wasn’t working—I’m glad I went back and re-worked it.

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