Daniel Avery - Drone Logic - similar album recommendations

Hey guys,

I don’t know too much about techno, but I really love this album. Really inspiring.
Sorry if it’s not regarded as techno, I really have no idea where the lines in these genres blur.

Anyway. Can somebody recommend me stuff that sounds similar?. Similar vibe, similar sounds.

I heard underworld is one of the big influences but I didn’t really find the exact vibe I‘m experiencing here…

Thanks for recommendations

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This is like electro house and stuff too but i made a playlist with just nice melodic bass parts you might enjoy

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Ghost Culture, also on Phantasy, has a very similar sound:


thanks :slight_smile: Will have a listen

yeah, great. This is the right direction. Thanks


Sorry I’m not up on genres but maybe Legowelt sounds quite similar to me, easy to listen techno/housey stuff.

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true. Some of his stuff does. But he can get a bit cheesy at times :slight_smile:


i was in a deep skudge k-hole about the same time drone logic entered my world…



what I enjoy most about drone logic are the basslines. Almost like hooks or riffs. Very hypnotic and powerful. With these high resonance sounds. Not sure if 303 or 101 or both

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No love for a nice bit of Cheddar? :rofl: Don’t worry I won’t tell @sezare56 :wink:

A lot of this kind of stuff has parallels to early deep house I think, Larry Heard, Rheji Burrell etc, anyway good topic @Unifono some nice stuff posted so far, I look forward to checking some of these artists out, I do somewhat similar stuff from time to time.

I find this style very good for background music when soldering :slight_smile:


I try to, as well :upside_down_face:

Somehow missed this before , listening now , fab stuff , thanks for posting

Drone Logic reminds me very strongly of Underworld’s dubnobasswithmyheadman, but less so their later (or earlier) stuff.

Edit: specifically the track Rez, which isn’t actually on dubnobass but is very similar to the album track Cowgirl

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Can you tell me if this is a 303 that comes in at 0:54?

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@Unifono not a 303, sounds like it could be a Grendel Drone Commander, maybe.

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or a sherman filterbank… I remember that he had two in the studio

I did something similar on a digitakt once

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love that sound.
Thought it could be some roland with high resonance

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Kind of sounds like a bandpass filter kept in a fairly narrow low/mid cutoff, with envelope sweeping resonance and cutoff.

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Have a listen to this, he covers a lot of different sounds but in amongst it there are some very similar tones to that sound.

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