Dark & minimal sample pack

Hey guys & gals

I bougth the sample pack ‘Dark&Minimal’ http://sounds.beatport.com/pack/dark-and-minimal-machinedrum/6019

Well, the instruction arent the best iv seen, i got a hard time to laod it in my MD.

I guess my expectation were wrong, im quite disapointed, nothing realy hot in there. The patterns sound as shity and boring has the factory presets, was expecting something i can learn from a bit at least.

It may give a quick starting point to someone who just begining in the techno music making, (but i dont know many beginer who will spend 1500$ on 1 piece of gear like a MD…)

Maybe im just frustrated cause i overwriten by accident last week work with it,

there are some good samples in there, hh and cymbals, but nothing impressive.

FYI a few of us were discussing this topic here.