Dataline Machinedrum only track - SNIFFTAKT

Only Machinedrum, running the X.05 unofficial firmware.

Stereo out and 4 individual tracks have been recorded separately into Ableton from the Machinedrum extra outputs: AmenBreak, Bass, Kick, KicknSnare.

Only some minor compression and limiting was applied to the master channel on Ableton before rendering, to get the sound a bit boosted without changing the character and quality.

Download includes the Multitrack Recordings.

Download at: Bandcamp or DataShop




That i sure did!

And the youtube playhead aligns very aesthetically pleasing with the leds on MD


So good! We bow to thee!

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Man, I wish I could live inside your brain sometimes. That was awesome :beers:

I don’t know if this is the place to ask, but can you/anyone please explain how you’re doing global edits without the the pattern going to the great depths of hell, and reverting back to it’s earlier unmodified state? Are they RAM REC/PLAY Machines being trigged at the start of the pattern? I literally have a defunct +drive so I can’t even tell if those machines work on my MD lmao, but I really enjoy your style and am curious if I’m getting MD all the way. :baby:

Ok… How do I load up these kind of breaks into my MD without timestrecht etc

I guess externally time stretch them to the required tempo before recording the sample, or get it in time using pitch rather than time stretch?

4:53 is a beautiful use of mute to let a sliding trig roll out. wonderful stuff

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Its sooooo good. I should really study this material video

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