DAW Controller/Mixer for Overbridge

I have an Analog 4 and Analog Rytm and am getting very excited by the possibilities of multitracking in my DAW (Ableton) with Overbridge.

I’m thinking it would be cool to have a mixer style DAW Controller to use with Overbridge while jamming/performing. Would probably be looking for 12-14 Faders, some encoders for sends, and mute/solo functions.

Anyone have any suggestions?

Have been considering the very same thing! Best I could think of on a budget was x2 Novation’s Launch Control XL with a custom script allowing both to be used simultaneously.

Had originally thought of making do with 8 faders and an APC but apparently Live doesnt play nice with APC’s & Push used together which is a bummer.

Would be interested to hear other folks suggestions.

I’ve been thinking the same thing. The APC mini is another, cheaper option.
You don’t get all the pots, but it re-purposes things like send on the faders.

Personally I’m not sure if I’ll pick something like that up as Maschine is my ‘DAW’ (I know groove box…) of choice and it already auto maps everything to the Maschine controller :slight_smile: