Dead track?


I’ve had my MD SPS-1 MKII for a little while now.
Today was jamming with as usual, when suddenly track number 9 (CH) stopped responding. If I try edit the machine on that track, the button works normally, but when I exit the edit-menu, it totally stops responding; none of the leds respond either. Defect unit, or is there some solution you, the more experienced Elektronauts can think of?

I had this problem once with my mk1. Not sure what the issue was, but it went away after an empty reset.

You sir saved my new year! =)

Yay! Glad I could help.

How nice, this bug appeared again! >:-o
This time it’s on different track, nro 13 (M1).
Is this normal anymore?

Uups, it’s working now…my mistake…
I’m afraid I was very, very drunk…new year’s and all… :stuck_out_tongue:
Sorry again…

Stories like this warm my heart. :heart: