Debating a Machinedrum

I just got a Monomachine the other week and I love it. I’m having a blast sitting on the couch writing out sketches and such, and I’m wrapping my head around it pretty well.

I’m debating a machinedrum but I can’t decide if it’s worth it for me.

I find that I tend to focus on percussive loops and sound fx when programming stuff that I then dump to wav for future possible use in the studio. I have a Volca Beats which I route through the MnM to layer with the BBox of the MnM for extra sounds.

I do love the other synths of the MnM, and use them a bunch.

My hesitation is that I got the MnM in order to have a small all-in-one box that I can jam and sketch ideas on. That meant getting a drum machine seemed silly.

I have yet to use the MnM synths to attempt drum/percussive synthesis, so I’m unfamiliar with that at the moment.

I’ve watched some demos of the MD, but nothing has yet sold me on it.

I know this isn’t much of a question and more of a rant, but I guess I’m just looking for guidance. Haha.

I love the MnM, but I’m wondering if the MD will be more versatile in creating cool rhythm based loops and fx and such.

Why not do that first?

Why not do that first?[/quote]
That’s my plan, actually, but I also don’t wanna decide on a MD and then have it be sold out. I’m not interested in the sampling version, and $600 is a pretty rocking price.
Now to find tutorials on MnM drum synthesis!

Why not do that first?[/quote]
That’s my plan, actually, but I also don’t wanna decide on a MD and then have it be sold out. I’m not interested in the sampling version, and $600 is a pretty rocking price.

There are always going to be second-hand instruments available at a good price, especially if you don’t need the UW configurations, and the recent price cut on new units is only going to help with that.

Well alrighty, then. Guess I’ll dive even deeper into the Mono.

Here’s where you can find the LEM sound pack.