Dedicated Elektron granular box - when?

I got my OT early ‘22 as a new buyer and it still feels more innovative to me than a lot of stuff out there. 🤷 So yeah, hard disagree there :nerd_face:


How many other boxes generate such trepidation/reassurance threads?

This is the opposite of enthusiasm.

This thread is bait, right?

I’ll just throw my hat in and say granular synthesis offers some interesting applications. I’m on the bandwagon against the whole microcosm + 100% wet reverb trope, but I’ve personally gotten more interesting results from the OT (which I bought in December 2022, apparently sans enthusiasm) and the Make Noise Morphagene.

I just sold the lemondrop which probably got a total of 1-hr play time from me. It makes great sounds but was too buggyto latch onto. I’d love to see Elektron throw some granular machines into an existing box more than a standalone.

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AR/DT/OT makes perfect sense, they all have delays/reverbs, all can sample on the fly…
I’m confused why would anyone want a dedicated machine for that…

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If OT is a good fit, and can handle it, bring it.

It’s the only one with a fader and stereo samples. DT/AR are mono and faderless - crap for granular.

who said ganular needs stereo source?
also, on AR you can use two tracks with same sample separated channels hard panned left/right and bind it to the QPERF… sooo…
or get something like UC4.

Clumsy convoluted workarounds are why a dedicated box is required with optimised workflow. No one enjoys menu diving.

They hear me trolling, and hating!

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Sometimes I’m quite enthusiastic about menu diving.

I’m surprised some company hasn’t already sifted through the sands of world culture and named some granular synth or whatever The Mandala.




And this thread is the opposite of interesting.



The marketing potential of ‘grains’ terminology makes the ‘Rice Bowl’ enticing, but I’m open to other cereals.

Add the Microcosm and you have Instant Rice.


I think it’s time for the (un)famous post by @sleepfc.


What did you find buggy about the lemondrop?

I have one and the only thing I’ve encountered is very occasionally it gets confused and plays samples backwards when it shouldn’t.

I use plugins for granular and I find that to be more than enough for making ambient stuff. Not sure I feel the need to put that in hardware form, but as someone else noted it would be a great addition to the next Octatrack.

Regarding the Syntakt I look forward to it being one of the coolest things Elektron has ever done…I just don’t think that’s going to happen until we see a few more years worth of updates.

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Cocain granular is a yet to be invented dance music genre begging to be chopped up.


For those in this thread who dislike granular or dont know the extent to what granular synthesis can do outside of the ambient reverby bitty stuff ~ i thought id share a quick demo of its versatility; here it is being used to transform vocal harmonies into a rhythm guitar by triggering dense subtly modulated grains with a drum machine.

granular processing starts at 0:47, and the buffer position/pitch is altered onwards until i get the texture/rhythm i like most.

ive been studying granular synthesis for the last couple years and no longer use any other form of synthesis for making music; its by far the most powerful and versatile synthesis/sound design method in my opinion, but seems its often used in a very linear way

maybe that wont change peoples minds about granular but i think it would be really cool if a company (maybe elektron i dont know) could explore its full use cases beyond how what everyone already thinks of when they hear “granular”


I just couldn’t ever get the visual waveforms to load, which was really frustrating to understand what was going on with the sample. You’d just see bars jumping around on a black screen.

Its possible it was a corrupt SD card, but I didn’t feel pressed to try to resolve the issue and just sold the unit to fund some other stuffs.

Really liked the form factor and capabilities though. Just wish it worked more reliably out of the box.

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Good luck with the cause: this lot defines granular based only on how YouTubers use it.

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