Deep drones with the rytm without clicks not possible?

does anyone know if it is possible with the Rytm MK 2 to create a continuous deep drone-like sound with dual VCO without it clicking on restart or overlapping? i know this is caused by overlap because the sound is mono. but is there a trick here? it really has to be some kind of loop, and it shouldn’t be clear when it starts again. the deeper the bass is, the louder this annoying clicking sound is.

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Don’t cause a retrigger.

Set the release to infinite; manually trigger the drone; don’t change kit.

If you need a fade out “at the end”, use a scene to set the release time.


aargh, as a longtime Elektron user, I should have known that. I agree. simply set the first step to 1st. thank you!


Yes but i found the drone made with AR not sounding perfect