Deep glens: compositions made almost entirely with cycles as sound source

hi everyone!
been working on a project for a last couple years. calling it deep glens.

about 80% of the sound source is from one model cycles in realtime. all the sequencing is done with max. i got really inspired by game NPC design and tried to build sequencers that function similarly. (e.g. interconnected behavior trees).

finished up a full length and also an EP of alternate takes from the patches. you can stream all of it here and download the EP of alternate takes:

my friend and i also made some odd short videos to go along with it, this weird stop motion polaroid stuff. i made a very dumb “therapy” bot to generate the captions. those shorts are here:

hope you cycles users enjoy it!



Fantastic project! Any chance to release M:C sound pack used in this project? They sound very nice :slight_smile:

thanks for checking it out!
there is alot of post-cycles processing going on in MSP and then on my console as well, so i dont think the cycles presets themselves would be super helpful but maybe i am wrong! when i get a sec I’ll load up all those old files and see if it’s cool…


This music is pretty much perfect for me, job well done mate :+1:

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thanks so much! glad u enjoy.
i’ll be doin’ some live streams with some of those systems on twitch in the coming months. follow etc if that sounds interesting: Twitch

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Oh nice!
Your advert popped up on my Insta feed a few nights ago and I found your website from there, thank you for making some really cool music.
I was just googling you to try and find out more about your process - really pleased to hear you’ve been using the M:C, and props for managing to make it sound like wood instead of frozen glass!

Will you post the Twitch streams up on YouTube?
I’d love to find out more.

Cheers buddy.

thx for checking it. glad you like it!
streams: im gonna try and stream to twitch and YT live at the same time, follow/subscribe to whatever one works best for ya! links at

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glad you like it!

deep glans

ah yes, didnt foresee that one.

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no matter what it is there’s always someone who comes up with something

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