Delay pedal with dotted delay

I quite frequently work with zen delay and El Capistan where i tap in the delay time. But i mostly prefer to work with dotted delay times, so is there a delay out there that can change your tapped delay time into s dotted one? FX tapping in a whole note delay in 120bpm, but the delay time of the pedal would be 1.5 notes.

A couple that come to mind are the EarthQuaker Avalanche Run (absolutely love mine), and the Strymon Dig

Lots of delays can do this.

The TC Flashback has a simple toggle-switch for this. While all of the flagship delays, by everyone from Line6 to Eventide, can have these parameters saved per preset.

Otherwise, the simplest compromise is to always set your delay repeats to 8th notes; that way, you can just tap divisions at will: i.e. a half-time tap will give you quarter notes, syncopated taps will give you dotted 8ths, you can tap triplets, etc.

This is how I work. Otherwise, I have to have different patches for every song; which is a liability, never mind a PITA.



I’d go for a Line 6 HX Effects… not much more than a single function delay pedal and gives you a huge amount of fx choice in return (and I don’t mean option-paralysis choices, I mean the majority of the delays are unique to themselves and obviously different from each other).

Or a Boss DD500.

I think the Source Audio Nemesis can do this, too - also has stereo in/out and MIDI if that matters in your set-up.

Deluxe Memory Man TT does it.

(You could also just tap the dotted delay you want.)

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Source Audio Collider also.

Beat you to it, Jeanne (no pun intended).



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Empress Echosystem does this too.

Boss DD-200, EQD Avalanche Run

Carbon Copy Deluxe does it too if you want analog goodness.

Eventide ultratap would be the one I’d go for for this