Deleting or Renaming Presets


I’m new to Elektron flow and I got a Model: Cycles recently. I’m really enjoying learning how to use it and I can get real lost for hours making and tweaking presets.

Problem is there’s a few presets that I mistakenly saved outside of the folder I meant, and a few I’d like to rename.
Is there a way to clean up and reorganize things in a project?

Elekton Transfer…I think alows this…???
You can down load it from Elektrons web page…MC is Page 9 of 12 of the Transfer manual…I have definately moved presets from folder to folder…but can’t recall renaming anything but the folders…

You can definately delete unwanted presets with the explore function…

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Nice! I’ll try that out! Thanks for the info.

Hold down data knob -> sub menu -> delete or rename folder / preset,