Desk diversity

Curious about the overlap of Cycles/Samples users. How many use both and how many are either/or? And if either/or, is it a lack of available space, lack of disposable income, lack of unused mixer channels, one doesn’t fit your needs or you prefer to mix it up with different gear? Or you don’t trust “ecosystems”?
Or is it a swedish groovebox feud, like Hatfields v. McCoys, Montagues v. Capulets, Crips v. Bloods, Walmart v. Target etc etc?

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I’m a M:C user because I have absolutely no interest in a sample-based workflow at all. Much rather use a drum synth. No shade to sample users out there! Just not for me.

FWIW I’m also a Digitone user with no interest in the Digitakt.

I don’t know about ecosystems man… So hard to trust them. I feel like they’re dodgy and totally out to get me. Whenever something goes wrong, the first thing I do is blame ecosystems.


I had both but sold the M:S when I got the M8. Much more capable for sample based music even though it’s less “jammy” than the Elektrons.

I’ll always keep the M:C but that’s mostly because it’s a pre-release model without a proper serial number so I probably shouldn’t sell it. Plus it’s just so cute and easy to whip things up quickly.

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Hang on, what about the desks? And diversity?


Another angle would be to consider is there one to do both for the price of both.

„Lack of disposable income”. Are you from IRS? :slight_smile: