Devices (like OT, Koala, POs) that let you suddenly completely change the sound with one button mash!

The Power Rangers have also been known to Mighty Morph.


Opera Motas?

You’re talking about not being able to record stems from performance mode or what? That seems to me to be the issue with everything when it comes to affordable performance related boxes. It really feels like you need many instruments which obviously isn’t cost effective and is also significantly messier than being able to control a performance and still make it editable (looking at you octatrack).

Ctrl all on the DT leads to some pretty insane places. It’s what made me truly fall in love with the machine especially in relation to quick save (being able to find your way back from the madness). Ctrl all to sample change yields some especially weird results allowing the DT to transcend the conventional role of a sampler. Add in some random start time LFO modulation and jump down the rabbit hole.

no i mean the session crashing/necessary restart bugs that have been pretty common with performance mode throughout multiple versions. i ran into them probably half of the times i fiddled with performance mode