DFAM mind melting thread



Oh wow, SOMA sure develop some interesting stuff!

I have so much GAS for the Lyra 8 after listening to the stuff in this thread. But I have to save a bit first. Have DFAM already, they really seem to complement each other.

Thanks for the reply.

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Ventris and going wild on the FM-stuff the DFAM can do, not tooo bass-heavy and slow tempo to give the fm modulations that happen from the slightly (or heavily) detuned oscilators :slight_smile:

Weird Bird Soundsā€¦

Birds of North Carolina?


To be fair I havenā€™t tried much, but Iā€™m quite pleased with my Korg NuTekt NTS-1 as an FX box for the DFAM. It gets bonus points for converting midi clock into analog clock that works for syncing DFAM to the DT for example. On this track I used the plate reverb and tape echo delay plus DT on drums.

Thatā€™s my first go with the DFAMā€¦ Itā€™s certainly a wild beast!

Has anyone had problems syncing up the Grandmother and the DFAM? I find the clock out of the GM to be unreliable, while the Korg works flawlessly.


Does your ether work Ok. Mine always picks up a radio station and Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s faulty or not

I recall it also being finicky when I owned a GM. but I think there have been firmware upgrades so Iā€™d verify you have the latest one.

Yeah, I had a stressful few hours yesterday trying to figure out how to make the GM send clock constantly, and not just when the arp/seq was running. The answer was to be found in the release notes of firmware 1.0.6, that detailed the addition of a new clock out parameter in the global settings. At last I got it kind of working, but it does seem to go out of sync after a little while, and sometimes it will straight up crash and the DFAM wonā€™t advance at all (this is fixed by taking the midi cable going into the GM out and back in). The little Korg Nutekt just works thoughā€¦

yeah I experienced similar with the GM, where even just running the arp or a sequence (internal), it would drift after a little while. very annoying. I always just re-booted it.

Mine does too, itā€™s a bit of an occupational hazard unfortunately, especially in areas like the UK, where thereā€™s a lot of radio stations clogging up the airwaves. I usually find that playing with the levels can help, but this is not consistent.

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Christ, thatā€™s so annoying. Glad to hear Iā€™m not the only one who has issues, thoughā€¦ It must be a problem with the internal arp/seq/clock thing then, as when I pass midi thru it into the Korg Nutekt the sync stays solid.

I always pick up the same radio station where ever I go. The only way I can stop it with my fingers or other metal on the antennas, or if itā€™s close to something which gives out electromagnetic fields. Still good but not as good as I hoped

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I get a lot of radio 4 around here, but then I live in the countryside, so not a lot else around. Thereā€™s a bit of a dark art to getting the most out of it, Iā€™m still figuring that art out myself.

My advice is to take it on a train (when this is all over obvs). My god it makes some sounds on a train.

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Last year I took my wife to Paris on the eurostar. Took contact mics and electromagnetic Mic, got some fantastic sounds. I was happy. Wife not so muchšŸ˜


I live way out in the country. The only thing I pick up on the ether is the electrical gear in my house. Not much EM fodder where I live.

Going into town though, totally different story. Very odd noises! Especially near pedestrian crossings. Also, try this, plug the ether into your car stereo, turn it up nice and loud, go for a drive, absolutley hilarious!


My favourite is to set it up in the car real loud and rev like fuck at the lights with my windows down. No one knows what the fuck is happening!


not sure if you find this mind melting, but for me the DFAM is the perfect drum maschine for dub drums, especially when fming the filter with the noise and send it to a tapedelay:

DFAM on the main drums with some additional hihats and snare samples and braids on the chord duties.

ps: the compilation is free download from insectorama net label on bandcamp ā€¦ which is not my label but sounds similar to my artist name :slight_smile:


Oh geez guys, I forgot about this one!
DFAM> Thermae, Grazer


Gotta love that recipe! Another excellent track by you!

Sold my DFAM about two months ago - talk about instant gear selling regretā€¦ Tried to keep away from this topic because I knew what would happen. So this week I went fishing for another and turned out the guy I sold mine to was willing to sell it back! So not only do I get a DFAM at no loss but I get the very same unit. :slight_smile:

I sold the DFAM thinking my music isnā€™t very heavy on drums (or even rhythm) anyway but itā€™s nonetheless one of the machines Iā€™ve had the most fun with. Will try to pair it with the Lyra also.

Would be awesome to hear some of that! Been eyeing that tape delay for a while nowā€¦

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Thanks for listening.
What Iā€™ve learned from this thread is never sell a DFAM.
Also, two DFAMā€™s might not be as ridiculous as I first thoughtā€¦

Iā€™ve been fucking around on my Elektrons this last few weeks but have set aside some time this week so that me, DFAM and Lyra can give my Analog Heat a damn good seeing to.
Expect public results by the weekend.