DFAM mind melting thread

Interesting, from the manual it gives no indication that ADV responds to CV, just triggers, but it must be either that it does respond to CV, or that he is sending very fast pulses to select very quickly the stage, but then the firmware must account for the number of pulses sent so that the next note will send the correct number of pulses to jump to the next stage selected from midi.

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very good point- i am about to buy mm32 and dfam but the m32 only for the midi in
How do you sync the dfam via midi? I was thinking to get rid of rytm too and get 2 dfam but i need to understand better the midi sync part

My guess would be that it responds to CV and not fast pulses, but it is hard to know without having a DFAM or a MFAD. Somone with a DAFM and some Eurorack could maybe test to send some different stuff to that jack and see if something happens :slight_smile:

I send a trigger from the A4 CV and patch it into the step advance on the DFAM. I can trigger all the steps or easily set up polymeters. Iā€™ve not tried to use the A4 to sequence the DFAM chromatically yet.

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Alternatively, I use the Cv tools in Ableton in a similar way. There are videos by Moog about that.

Cool - i ll have a look at Cv tools- i really donā€™t want to get the mm32 for the midi- maybe the A4 + 2 dfam

You can also just send an audio pulse using a sampler. Anything that sends a clock signal basically. The machinedrum pulse machines work nicely for this too.

I donā€™t own one either, or Iā€™d have tried it by now, canā€™t resist a mystery! It would be strange that the manual doesnā€™t mention that clock advance responds to CV though, I looked for the schematics but they arenā€™t online.

For anyone wanting to test, try sending a narrow pulse VCO in at very fast rates and let us know what happens when varying pulse width. And try sending CV 0-5v too.

Rytm?will it work using the impulse?

God Damn itā€™s freezing in my studio but this has me thinkingā€¦
I bet itā€™s a square wave osc at high frequency audio rate (the DFAM sequencer can move at audio rate, enough to act as a 3rd osc and you can control pitch using tempo cv in) the box must be sending high frequency square wave through a vca or gate, and an algorithm in the box opens the gate/vca for the perfect length of time to jump from the current note/step to the next. And if the next note/step is behind the current note/step then it knows to leave it open a fraction longer to cycle round?

Gimme 1/2 an hour to put on thermals and I will try a square wave osc with pulsewidth into the clock advance and see if I can get it cycling so fast the LEDS of the sequencer donā€™t even register and unplug the jack to see if it stops dead on stepsā€¦

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Iā€™ve not tried but if you use one of the separate audio outs and use a click sample, that should work. If you search the forum there are a few threads that explain how to sync the dfam with the analog four and the octatrack.

Just triedā€¦That has to be itā€¦its closeā€¦
@darenager @eangman

I think if this is the way they done it, you still would see the leds flashing! If you move the tempo knob very high, how many leds you see flashing at once? Maybe all? How many leds you see flashing in the video?

Noneā€¦and I did try to watch the demo at slow speedā€¦ but, I just frankenmashed this together like a mad scientist in 5 minutesā€¦! Hahaha, I was seeing more of the leds flashing and i had the idea of reducing the gate length of the BSP to the shortestā€¦ but the BSP the vca or the oscillator feeding it are not the best thing for the jobā€¦and this would have to be refined to gett it working that sharpā€¦the device would be well worth it as a specialised device given the price of modules I used to get those sloppy resaults.

When i used the oscillator with no vca you are correct the leds looked solid on. I donā€™t think the analogue pitsburgh osc rate goes that high I will have to find some specs. It would all be in the speed of the pulse and the gate lengthā€¦thatā€™s just a drum trig out of the BSP feeding a vca. There would be snappier ways to do itā€¦but its just to show a theoryā€¦

Also the width of the pulse from the osc made no noticable difference, and cv in from a FH1 from 0 to 5 did nothing other than advancing a step at the 1/2 way point. :blush:

This guy came with a nice sequencer reset patch via other modules

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its not seems working that way. I send some batumi lfo into it and sample & hold. nope. Only one trig forward. Nice thing is it also steps forward with and sin lfo. so maybe you can try out some funky shuffle rytms :slight_smile:

Yes maybe you are on to something there, but i do wonder how its solved inside the MFAD. I sent a cheeky mail to the guy that makes it and asked how the heck it works. Dont think he will answer though :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Nice. 3 was my favourite. Why so short? Could have listened to more. Make full tracks!

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My second DFAM just arrived today. Excited to take the two for a spin!


The MAFD is an essential addition to the DFAM imho. The DFAM was already one of my favorite pieces of gear but this takes it to a new level. Yes, it sends very fast pulses to advance the clock to the correct step, calculating how many pulses to send based on the current step and the target step. Essentially 8 consecutive midi notes are mapped to the 8 DFAM steps. It works surprisingly well allowing you to create all kinds of complex sequences, ratcheting etc. Highly recommended!