DFAM mind melting thread

And the Qudraverb has four effects - Reverb, Pitch (Chorus, Flanger, Phase shift, Detune), Delay and EQ. And provides different configurations (order in which the effects are routed)

BIM is nice though, like all OTO products.

I just snagged a Quadraverb for Ā£90. Should get it in little over a week from now.

Yeah baby!


The future!


Did a quick and dirty proof of concept in Max to map MIDI notes to the eight stages of the DFAM. Trigger pulses are sent via Expert Sleepers to the ADV/CLOCK input on the DFAM.

It works pretty well, but thereā€™s a noticeable glitch when you need to advance a few steps (for instance, jumping from one note to the one below it there is a seven step advance, and you hear that the intermittent steps are partially triggered). Would need to look into even shorter intervals between the advance trigs, right now it seems to stop working predictably below a 3ms interval.

Also there is the MIDI delay into the computer and back out. And I didnā€™t implement retriggering the same note (should be trivial).

Hereā€™s the M4L file if anyone wants to try it or improve it:
DFAM MIDI Mapper.amxd (17.3 KB)


I have no idea what youā€™ve done there but I like it.


Hereā€™s an updated version, it runs very smoothly now. The advance signal is generated by a wavetable of only three samples per step/trigger, so thatā€™s three samples accuracy for the closest stage and 24 samples for the furthest one (ie when retriggering the same note = 8 steps). The switch from one stage to the next happens in only ~0.06 to ~0.5 milliseconds, which seems to be fast enough to eliminate any glitching from intermediate steps. I guess the envelopes donā€™t have the time to open.

Will upload another video tomorrow.

If you want to try it, drop the M4L file in a Ableton MIDI track as an instrument and direct the audio output of the channel to your DFAM ADV/CLOCK jack.

DFAM MIDI Mapper.amxd (21.2 KB)


So yeah , to get back on topicā€¦ Here are a couple of videos using that M4L instrument.

First some swung drums, then some FM/Sync bass ā€“ both sequenced from the Keystep.


Been too long without me putting a track up.
Donā€™t get your hopes up though, Iā€™m still in the process of setting everything up and getting all the levels right, hence the shitness of the mix.
DFAMā€™S first date with the DB-01ā€¦

So this is DFAM, Lyra and DB-01 with support from Quadraverb and Analog Heat.
Iā€™m hooking the Digitakt back up tomorrow, so tracks will get a bit bigger and tighter from now on. Promise.


DB01 certainly seems like a worthy companion to DFAM and Lyra. This sounds like the tip of a rich iceberg

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Iā€™m hoping it is.

I like the stereo image. The Erica sounds nice, but then, to be honest, it could be any synth from a listener point of view. The high lyra drone was sweet, the low one, not so sure, I think it threw the balance out.
Damn the heat makes DFAM sound so good!

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Thanks, pretty much in line with my thinking on it.
The stereo delay on the Quadraverb is really good for the stereo image, but Iā€™ve got the reverb set a little too high on this one.
The low end on the Lyra absolutely threw the balance out. Didnā€™t even know it was there until I listnened back, I think my room is hiding some of that low end somewhere. Might need to invest in a bit of sound treatment.
Havenā€™t even scratched the surface of the db-01 really but I think the thing I like about it is how many different roles it can fill sound wise. Itā€™s a bit like the DFAM in that respect.

I think I know what you mean. the DFAM can seem one dimensional, but once you dig in, itā€™s rich and varied. The DB01 has that same vibe. oh itā€™s just a 303 with some tricksā€¦but knowing erica, it will be so much more than that.

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Well I am glad my theoretical idea about the DB-01 is playing out in real life! Iā€™ll keep checking out samples.

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This is really cool. Do I have to have a DC coupled audio interface to use it?

Cheers! I donā€™t think you need DC coupling to play the triggers through the sound card.

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Same setup as that last horror show, but mixed properly and with added Digitwins.


Banger! :+1:

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Thanks, Iā€™m certainly a lot happier with it.

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Made a video, because lockdown is fucking boring.

If youā€™re photosensitive, donā€™t look at it.