DFAM mind melting thread

Recorded early hours of this morning


Thatā€™s really good. Youā€™ve really managed to bring out the organic elements of the DFAM velocity sequencing. The Lyra sounds awesome as usual.

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Thanks man. More will come Im sure. Thing I love about both DFAM and Lyra is, no save! once its gone its gone, you either record it or you dont, do or do not, there is no try.
Set up- as photo.
MXR Carbon copy Delay
Lyra 8

all run on seperate channels on my analogue mixer, some eq and redlining everything to get nice saturation, a boss reverb pedal on the Fx send. Recorded straight to my little tascam DR05


This is the single biggest reason for my improvement as a musician over the last six months. Rather than spending a week at a time tweaking a couple of four bar loops Iā€™m banging out tracks, performing and learning my instruments at a rate of knots.


On the no save front I agree. Jam until it warrants a record button press or just keep jamming. Even if you twist the knobs in the same position the sound is always a little different.

I keep trying to record into my Blackbox but it just never feels the same even though itā€™s exactly what I meant to record.

You almost have to play the DFAMā€¦

Today or tomorrow I might try comb filter with a THRU track on the OT. Should be dope :sunglasses:


With the greatest respect good sir your profile pic is doing my head in :dizzy_face:





#BandNameIdeas :thinking:



Uh yes comb filter on sampled DFAM 1 bars is so fun.

3 samplers running at the same time with a bit crusher lol

Itā€™s only a minute but the end gets real thiccccc


You animal

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I think I danced to this for like 3 hours haha


I need more 3mm to 6mm adapters so I can take the VCA output of DFAM and run it into my OT in addition to the main DFAM out going to mixer. Then slap some horrible fx the vca signal.


Huh this might be a good thing to pair with the DFAMā€¦

Sounds pretty nuts on its own


I really like that but I think Iā€™m happy with my DFAM, Lyra 8 and Ether setup. Itā€™s exactly enough.
Ask me again in a couple of months thoughā€¦


That makes sense. You have a nice setup. I however donā€™t have a Lyra or an Ether. So while I am not gassing, if I sell a synth I might get a direct replacement for the filth party


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Its really interesting that even though DFAM is so instantly recognized, each person has their own sound when they play it. Same with Lyra.

Also interesting is the choice of accompanying gear, and treatment. I love the full on noise wall stuff, yet I dont seem to make that. I tried some stuff last night but i found the more noise layers, the less impact I had. Also the more distortion, the less dynamics. But then thats me, my tastes, and the gear I have. I dont have a Analogue Heat.

Another experiment I tried was taking the vca out into the OT to run in parrallel with the main mix, yeah it thickened the sound a bit, but I didnt think the results were really that good. Keep it simple I guess! Do what works for me and leave it at that.

Early morning DFAM pondering.


In terms of making walls of noise while keeping things dynamic, the Heat is king. I always hear about the importance of layers and such in noise music but Iā€™ve found the most effective noise I make is often a couple of Lyra voices and some Heat. The layers are already in there, you just have to tease them out gently.

This is the conclusion I have come to this last month.
DFAM, Lyra + Heat is all I need to make the music I want to.