Diagnosing a dying MD mk1

I’ve owned my Machinedrum for ~20 years. Lately the audio has started to drop out after the unit warms up (~15 minutes). The problem’s onset sounds like aggressive bit rate reduction at first, until channels fall silent altogether. Cycling the power sometimes solves it, but I’ve had to do empty resets a few times to clear the problem. Haven’t had crashes of any other kind.

I think it’s safe to assume that the battery is due for replacement. I’m also using the original PSU which could be the culprit. Could either of those things be causing this particular issue? Anything else to consider (DAC going bad)?

I’m afraid I probably won’t be able to help you but the symptoms reminded me of behaviour I was having with my MD (mk2) sometimes when I was probably pushing the delay and/or processing power too much by having quite extreme (and similar) delay settings on all 16 tracks. It appeared to me the MD choked somehow. It also went away after turning the device off and back on, if I didn’t try to play the same pattern (and kit) again. It sounded like this (the second example in my post).

Like I said, probably not the same thing you’re having. Hope you can still save your MD!

how long does this work before the problem returns?

The useful time has gotten shorter over time, which is why I suspect the battery may be at least partly to blame. I decided to post here because the last reset only lasted for a few minutes.

wouldn’t like to speculate!

have you reseated all the cables inside?

That step’s coming!