Did Elektronauts become "british" these days?! :-D

Call me darling


Elektron’s wasn’t the ONLY Heat to come out of last year’s teaser.

Also, that thread got HEATED



We have an elixir bar in town that serves Kratom… Wow! They make a Kratom margarita (non-alcohol) with some goodies to enhance it and make it tasty. Drink two of them and you walk out going “do I feel this high from something I just drank at a public establishment?” Careful though, after awhile is addictive and you even go through withdraws if you drink too much regularly… Feels like your superman though…
Just tried to make it illegal in the states, didn’t work but I’m sure they’ll try again…


I’m noting it down… K, ra, t, o, and m…
I used to hit the old Slivovitz quite hard, 72-90 percentay! Exceptionally palletable in the Polish mountains!
That made my eyeballs expand for sure…

People use it to mask withdrawal or just get over various substances, but heed my warning or you’ll end up having to get over it :wink:… Very, very nice if kept to moderation, like once a week or even less…
Probably way stronger than one might think. Illegal in Thailand because so many people are addicted to it as it grows there and you can just collect it… Moderation=good timez… :totes:

Some more info: It’s a leaf that’s a relative of coffee but some would like to classify it as an opiate. In small doses it is a stimulant but in larger doses becomes sedative, various strains exist ranging from very euphoric to extremely sedative and pain killing, another use…
Be careful, have fun. Totally amazing to rock Elektrons on!

Again, disclaimer: I Am not promoting, it’s been mentioned so adding some info and saying it’s addictive, watch out, moderation key to its enjoyment…


It’s supposed to be an addiction equivalent to coffee. It’s not a bad addiction. I drink it pretty regularly, and when I miss it for a few days I might feel a little anxious or down, but nothing that seems out of the ordinary.

That bar sounds awesome, though!

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I know people who get night sweats, shaky legs, depressed, nauseous, and all around feel like sh-* if they stop…

It’s gettin real in the lektronauts parking lot!


Any negative effects? :joy:

Holy cow! That is weird! Never heard of that!

I do it, like multiple times a day, and then went a couple months without doing it, never experienced that

Everything they serve is some all natural exotic plant mixed into super tasty concoctions…
Lots of their offerings definitely affect your vibes…
You can walk out of there feeling all sorts of different shapes and sizes :tunga:


I’ll take it over a traditional bar, definitely! Where in the world IS this place?!

Nestled in the cozy foothills of the Sierra Nevada in Northern Cal…


Huh! I would have thought such a place wouldn’t be legal in the states. I think even kratom can be sold so long as its labelled “not for consumption”

Huxley would have kicked down the doors to that bar for sure🤔


They just had a vote to make it illegal and it didn’t pass, I’m not sure if that was national or just Cali…
Place is legit, everything’s on the up and up, and lots of stuff there gets you up to get down :wink:
It’s great, it’s like cheers for new age quasi hippie electro earth freaks…
The west is the best, get here, and we’ll do the rest!



I think it was national. I kept my eye on that for the entire month of September. When it ended up not becoming banned I felt an emmense relief and air of celebration

This is my new favourite Elektronauts topic. Fantastically random.


That’s wild, never heard of Kratom and I’m a total druggo. Where do you get it?

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