Did i just delete all of my kits!?

so, been working on my md-uw a bit, just trying to get comfortable.

the other night i start to mess with the load snapshot (function/global and hold for load snapshot) and select samplebank (function/song setup) features and goof around with the pre-set dnb tracks, just listening and checking out the individual sounds/samples.

today, i go to turn it on and load up one of the four kits i’ve been working on and i can’t find them. what gives? did i erase them? i’ve been writing down my parameters so it’s no big deal but i need to know what i did so it doesn’t happen again.

or are they hiding in the original snapshot? to be more clear, i still haven’t gotten deeper than the manual’s walk through. by that i mean i haven’t created anything other than a few new kits so i’m still working within the manual’s basic info.

thanks in advance for any clarification!

The kits should be in the original Snapshot provided everything was saved before you loaded up the DnB snapshot.

hey, thanks for replying. do you know which snapshot is the sort of default for the md? i’d assume it’s the first one but my kits aren’t there.

and i’ve had no problems before this saving/loading kits with the new changes until this incident, hence my fear of deleting.

waittttt…unles you meant saving the snapshot. is that a thing? so i not only have to copy and paste a pattern to save changes, save after changing parameters in a kit, but also save the snapshot before opening a new one? holy shit, that’s amazingly crazy. :dizzy_face: so, if that was what you meant, then no, i did not save the snapshot changes before opening a new one.

Unfortunately that is exactly what I meant.
I would say you have probably lost them.
I include a snapshot save pretty much every time I have done something worth keeping.

When loading a snapshot it will load the kits the way they were upon the last snapshot save. Any new kits not saved in the snapshot will be replaced by the old ones from the last snapshot save…

Keep the snapshot up to date and current with regular saves.

Of course this didn’t help me the other week when I was drunk and accidentally erased my current snapshot and a sample bank :dizzy_face:

There is a very easy way to change the load snapshot behavior to ‘change snapshot’…which will then save a copy of the snapshot when you load it FROM QUICKLOAD.

but yes, you have to save yer snapshots - either manually or via the ‘change snapshot’ function from the quickload menu.

thanks guys.

well, lesson learned…yet again.

i absolutely love this machine but i’ll be damned if it doesn’t make you work for every inch of progress. so glad i’m in the early stages but i dread the future late night session after a few…think i’d take the hangover over lost files any day of the week.

so, any other save quirks i need to know about?

Don’t think so.

Save Kit,
Save snapshot maybe once a week. Probably save your current samplebank while you are there.
Save song if you are working in song mode.
That should have you covered.

If you are serious about keeping something then you should also do a sysex backup to your pc. Just in case you are drunk one day.

ok, thanks again for the help. will def be more aware from here on out. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: