Did it not work out? Prices are going down?

what i dont understand is why is this new 2022 model d reissue so much more than the first one?

Less availability for parts, additional costs for parts, additional costs for shipping, labor.

These arenā€™t the sorts of things that work out super well at that small industrial scale.

I canā€™t speak for overbroad trends on used gear, but I know that the ā€œstuck at homeā€ GAS has gone away and weā€™re still stuck at home, so buying another gizmo is going to give extremely diminished returns.

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yes, but it is what? 3.5kā‚¬? and now is 5.999ā‚¬ . Other companies have rased the prices way less. 4k i could understand

Honestly itā€™s not as crazy as it might seem - a lot of businesses are currently absorbing costs and losing revenue.

Material costs alone have skyrocketed - many have stabilised. But at the point of placing an order many of the metals used in everything cost more than twice what they did in 2019, just to give an example.

This is aluminium:



You are thinking of a modern product line that can be revamped, BOM changed, lines modified instantly in overseas fabs.

This is a classic design, handmade in NC, and very very selective about parts.

Price is an object, but the core product is less flexible.


I scored a deal on a new Rytm MK2 after waiting. Now I can have the trilogy and work on completing the Digi trilogy of Elektrons. It was less than waiting for a Perkons and suited my needs.

Yep. This was DJCity. They had some ridiculous stuff at ~80% off. Clearly a lot of it would have been clearing slow movers but it seemed a bit more insane than the usual Black/Cyber whatevers.


Yeah, I hope someoneā€™s day was made by the $1800 Rytmā€¦ was a little bit tempted.


Itā€™s a classic sales move. Keep altering the price so that consumers remain unaware of the basic value of things. Itā€™s absolutely rife everywhere right now.

Dn Keys is going locally for 1199 at DJ City. Better deal than second hand ones that come up from time to time. I sold mine but damn I want it back ā€¦

I was and bought mine new for $1600. Less than the Jomox Alphabase and Perkons drum synths that are the only real competitors to the almighty Rytm. I may pick up a Syntakt in the future but no real need now.

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Dang, they JUST raised prices on the Syntakt here. Could find 'em for 127k yen, but now their up to 136ā€¦

I wanted to get one on the 10th, but I ainā€™t paying that for it. Hell no. I donā€™t even want to pay 127. I bought a Digitakt for 75k before the pandemic. I donā€™t need one that bad.

Cumulative rate of inflation from 2016 to 2022 is approx. 25%.

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It worries me a bit how many folks are seemingly unaware of how much prices are rising behind the scenes.

I thought that most people had been processing the fact that theyā€™d suddenly become a lot poorer but I think we have a lot of folks stuck in the first stage of Grief.


The economic system is no self fullfilling prophecy and in the end everything that happens are just virtual rules that we stick to. So becoming poorer is a collective choice for keeping the system.
Read the news today. Materials of all kinds are becoming available again at least in europe.

So Energy is still a problem.

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Luckily Iā€™ve got a least a dozen+ different devices, plug-ins, and apps that I havenā€™t really scratched the surface of, much less fully explored, to keep me busy and stave off any new gear lust.

Look around your studios, such as they are, is anything really holding you back from creating good music? The answer for me is yes, only myself.


for the millionth time.
US prices do not include the VAT/Sales Tax.
EU/UK prices do.
VAT in EU can be as much as 25%!


just trying to help. sorry I tried.


I never really understand that comment about sales tax, its always been true that it has to be paid but there has never been such a disparity in usd vs gbp/euro prices and I have always compared due to being able to purchase goods in either market easily enough.

Its as if people think this is all new and we havenā€™t ever compared prices to usd before.

At one point it used to be parity usd to gbp prices, could almost guarantee an 899 usd price would be about the same in gbp. The exchange rate was 1.2 usd to the pound, just as it is now nothing has changed.

Eventide H90 is $899, if I import that to the UK I would pay 23.2% duty and Vat which gives Ā£922.

Yet the price here is Ā£999. I have to pay nearly Ā£80 premium over and above what it would cost me, and distributors can do this in bulk, so I doubt that is the cost of importation. Euro price is even worse.

The importers make their profit in the same way as US retailers, buy at trade price and sell at retailā€¦ So there shouldnā€™t be any need to add more on unless they are simply after higher profit margins.


Hardware pricing is looking like plugins to me now. They list them at sometimes obscene prices and then on Black Friday or Christmas discount them to more realistic value. A Syntakt for around $750? Uh yeah, thats what I expected it should cost all along. Roland does this with their stuff to name another. Behringer dropped their RD9 to sub $300 for a bit.

Just shows you what the margins are when they release this stuff - crazy high. And hardware is not the same quality as the old made in Japan stuff anymore. I will point the finger at Akai here but Roland is definitley making some cheap gear now as well.

Not bashing anyone, but affordable gear comes with a cost IMO. I understand the chip shortage drives cost up, but my point is that consumers should take that into account and consider they may very well be overpaying quite a bit at the moment for the newest shiny thing.

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