Different gains in OB

I just started trying out OB in Ableton, and absolutely love it!! But I am careful to totally rely on it for playing live, so I created a routing so that I can switch with 2 buttons between mixing ITB through OB, and mixing OTB with a digital mixer (XR18)

This way I can very easily switch to hardware only when the computer or OB start farting around (I have my share experience with that…)

BUT… for this to work, I have to see that all my relative levels stay equal. And I noticed when I create separate tracks for the AR in Ableton, the levels change. I have the BD and LT on separate audio tracks, because my kick and bass live there, and all the rest stays on the midi track with the AR plugin. And the BD and LT tracks are way louder then when they sit together with the rest. (around 6db)

I noticed the same thing with the DN. All 4 tracks get their separate audio track, and the FX track stays on the midi plugin track. but the levels between tracks and FX are way off too…

I started A/B’ing between hardware only and Ableton to correct all the levels within Ableton, but before I spend too much time on that I wanted to ask here if there is something I am doing wrong or missing somwhere.