Different Songs Within One Project - How to?

Octatrack noob here. I’m coming from having a digitakt where you can have a completely different set of samples per pattern. When I sample some stuff on the octatrack and make a pattern, everything works great until I want to go to a new pattern within the same project and sample some new stuff. I record a sample on r1 flex machine in the new pattern, but when I go back to my old pattern, the samples have been replaced with the samples of the new pattern. I guess what I’m asking is how to record samples to the sound pool as opposed to a single track. Right now it seems like if I record a sample to a track, thats the only sample I can assign to the track for an entire project.


BANKS! Each bank has 16 patterns, so i consider each bank to be a song. Each bank also has it’s own SRC settings. If you didnt want to use multiple banks and want everything on same bank, this is where parts come in. Parts are like ‘kits’, every parameter of every track, 16 scenes and each sample assignment can be completely different per part. Another way is to sample lock, hold down a trig in record mode, then use the Level knob to browse samples in your pool to assign to that step. Each step can have a different sample from your pool playing (flex and static only). Hope this helps!


So what is your procedure when recording a sample? Right now I’m recording it to a track and it shows up in r1 on the list. I tried recording new samples on a new bank but it still took the place of the sample in the original bank

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You are overwriting the record buffer(s) if you not save the recorded stream first.

Save the recorded samples and record over the record buffer(s). Repeat.


Or you could just max out a record buffer and slice the sample. Again save the sample and repeat.

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yeah always save your samples if you want them to still be there after a powercycle or proj change. So save them, assign them to either static or flex then double tap SRC and choose the sample you want. Also, always save your parts!!! She’s a needy beast but its worth it.

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After a few losses … we learned fast :thup:


Thanks! Still a little confused though. So when I record a sample to the buffer, how do I save it to the pool? I know how to save a sample in the audio editor, but not how to save it outside of the buffer and into the pool instead of the buffer. Is there a button combination you press to save the sample outside of the buffer?
sorry for the specific questions, it’s just hard to word my question when I’m looking through the manual/searching the internet!

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I see. So you record a sample, open up the recording set up, and save the sample, and it will save to the pool or card as opposed to the buffer?


technically when you save it It just goes to the CF card, but it will prompt you upon saving to either add to Flex pool or Static pool.

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Correct. As soon as you record your sample, open the editor and save it to the card. If you then open the main menu, and go to card tools/file manager you can grab that sample and place it in a folder inside the AUDIO pool for easy life later on. A well organised file directory will serve you well.

Then you have access to that sample any time you like, from either static or flex machines.

It will feel long winded and clunky coming from digitakt, but thats how it is. Get used to it!

Regarding different songs in one project, you need to use parts and banks. I either have one or two parts = a song. Or, the entire bank is a song. So many songs in one project. Again, very different flow to the digitakt’s everything is saved per pattern groove.

I was using electribes before I got an OT, so I went through the same process. Happy octatracking!