Different sound levels in sequence

Hello all. I’m new with A4. :slight_smile:
Can I have different sound levels on tracks in the sequence on A4 MK2?

Yes, it’s called P-Locks. Just hold a Trig and change its settings (the Parameter colors will be inverted to indicate that you have a different setting on the Trig).

Thank you. I know for P-locks and other locks. I was wondering there must be some way like in Digitone or even in Octatrack I think. I’m using elektron sequence for my final creation. Each track in sequence should have slitly different sound level sometimes. When I’m doing it in DN sound level stay locked with slot number in sequence. I thought there must be some simillar simplest way in A4.

The ting for now how it looks is that problem was same kits in the sequence slots. Still a litle bit weird and new for me cause I’m copying same slot with kit and changing it a little bit 15 times. Now in this case it will need to be saved many times. Hope it’s just temporarly. Good luck all!

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Each track has its own sound level.

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Yes, each track has it’s own sound levels. I’m usually copping sequence slots. Then On slots 1 and 2 there are same tracks. I need to change levles not affetcting sounds on slot 1 in the sequence. Forr now I must save kit as new and then change the level. To many savings and wasting memory, hope I’ll find better way.

I’m sorry I don’t understand what you are describing. Do you mean trigs when you say slots? If so then you can parameter lock the trigs individually as mentioned previously. Changing kits per track is also part of the design if using separate kits.

Sorry for confusion. I meant on those 16 numbers on the sequence at the bottom. I’m copyng them on my electron gears. And change volumes independently. Here as I see it’s not working the same way I think. So volume of the same track T1 in sequence can’t be chaged separatly without locks.

AMP page has vol for the track


Tnx. I’ve tried with that but still volume is the same in the sequence when I copy the same track.

If you want the volume of a track to be different between patterns, then yeah, you’ll need to save a new kit, or parameter lock the volume on each step.


Thank you! That’s what I neded. Clarification. I’ll definitly ned to change that habit cause of A4 kit limitations but good to know. Cheers.

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