Difficulty to clear/overwrite patterns?

Hey all,

I’m just starting to get my head round how patterns/songs/kits differ from each other and things were going well for a while…

I have decided to try to piece together a MD Song to recreate the drums from a track of mine which uses basically a stock 909 sample kit.


So, starting in Classic mode, I made a couple of changes to one of Justin Valer’s 909 kits and started programming the patterns starting from pattern bank A and working from 1 onwards.
After each one was done, I would copy then paste into the next number/drum button so that I could make the necessary changes for the next pattern. For some reason once I hit A6, using the CLEAR or PASTE commands doesn’t seem to affect the patterns anymore. The CLEAR and PASTE windows flash up to indicate that the command is being carried out, but the same old pattern still plays. If I throw it into Extended mode, the pattern plays with a different kit…I feel like I must be doing something very silly to get this wrong but I have done a bit of searching and read over the manual again and can’t seem to figure it out…
Any tips on what I could look at to check?

I am running OS 1.63 on a MK1 UW by the way…just in case that has any bearing.

erm…record button was on which seemed to stop it pasting. not sure i understand why this affects it but that seems to have been the problem…