Digi+MPC MIDI issue - Digi is playing MIDI from every single channel on MPC

Hi all, new Digitone user but not completely new to Elektron (although I’m no pro by any stretch).

Problem in a nutshell: My Digitone receives MIDI from every single channel on my MPC 1000 (master), regardless of what MIDI channels I have each track on the Digitone set to receive.

My setup basically consists of an MPC 1000 acting as master clock and main sequencer for my other gear (MPC to a MIDI splitter/other gear). I have a few patterns running in a sequence on the MPC, all set to different MIDI channels, and my Digitone is receiving and playing all the MIDI from every single track on the MPC. It doesn’t matter what MIDI channels I have the Digitone’s tracks set to receive, or how I have them set on the MPC - the problem persists even when I turn every MIDI channel off in the Digitone’s MIDI port config.

I feel like I must be missing something simple here, since I can’t find anything that helps in the manual or through other google searches. I did read the manual and did some Google searching but didn’t come up with anything, which makes me think I’m missing something really simple.

Thanks in advance.

Welcome to the forum!

On your MPC, turn off Omni mode in your midi settings (if it is on). Try sending midi to only your Digitone’s auto channel and see if that helps.

Thanks very much for the reply. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to matter if I have Soft Thru set to any of the omni’s or “track” (I had it set to track originally).

Edit: Looks like the MIDI was coming from Ableton/Overbridge. Just in case anyone ever has the same issue: I didn’t think to uncheck the “Track” box for my audio/midi interface in Live, and the MPC’s MIDI was all going into the interface/my computer/Live and then back out again to the MPC/other gear.

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