Digitakt (1.3) program change issue

I have problems with steps p-locked to send program changes. Sometimes the step just doesn´t send the PC.

It happens randomly, but once it happens it never send it until you “force” it by p-locking it again or just move the D knob (“PROG”)

Is it a reported bug?

The Digitakt never sends a Program Change twice if it’s the same message.
You have to force it with a p-lock to send it again.

It’s the same with all MIDI parameters, if the message is the same as the last it won’t send it again.
This is the expected behaviour.

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thanks for the reply
you said that “You have to force it with a p-lock to send it again” but the message is already p-locked and fails to be sent anyway… not always, it happens randomly (no probabilistics involved)

I think that is a bug then, because p-locks should always send them.
In previous versions this has always worked.

it was changed in 1.20 or maybe earlier, so that it can’t send the same message twice, even when p-locked.

prior to this change, it was possble to use a p-locked prg chng as a reset after messing with the external synth’s params. a prg chng p-lock set to 4:4 condition gave you 4 bars of knob twiddling fun (bass station 2 here) before the program was recalled. it was fun. i have no idea why it was changed.

for the same behaviour now, you need to alternate between 2 program changes: add the prg chng message you actually want (e.g. 20) to step 1, and then any other prg chng message on the very last step (e.g. 21) to quickly change away from and back to 20.

was much better the old way.


A friend told me your exact experience
he used to do the same with a dreadbox typhon, now it doesn´t work
it doesn´t makes sense to me

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I don’t like their “new way” then, it feels more like a bug.