Digitakt 1.30 : Bug reports

Open a ticket and let them know it’s not working in test mode either. You can try the downgrade as suggested. But I’m afraid this is a hardware issue. Might be as simple as dirty contacts or the switches themselves broke somehow. Elektron will be able to tell you for sure if it’s soft or hardware.

Problem solved. Yep i forgot to switch the usb config from overbridge to usb. Thank you


I just updating my digitakt to 1.30 and my last patterns become weird. And then i start new project and making new pattern from the scratch, but i found every tracks sample are very reverby. How does these reverbs coming from?

Sounds like you have global fx settings enabled, it keeps the same parameters for every pattern you change to in a project, check the menu and uncheck reverb and any others that you dont want.

But first thing first:

  • if you don’t want some reverb, make sure that you don’t send the track audio towards reverb (AMP secondary menu)
  • if you want the reverb to be less audible but still present, check its parameters (FN+AMP)
  • decide if you want the reverb parameters to be global (same for every track) or per pattern by setting the GLOBAL FX/MIX accordingly.

Please have a read at this document if anything is unclear ^^


When modifying the levels on a blank preset, the external mixer won’t follow its settings until a trig will play on it.
in other words, a pattern needs to have at least a trig played to update the mixer to the displayed settings . weird…

in the same manner, the delay and reverb values are updated at the first playing trig (audio - no midi trig) of the upcoming pattern when coming from one pattern to another.

Has anybody mentioned that the LFO’s can’t be triggered independently? I’d live to have them be truly seperate modulators down the road.

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Use plocks :slight_smile:
Not exactly the same but: I think if you have both lfos set to trigger and you want them both to trigger on step 1 but then only retrigger LFO2 on step 5, lock LFO 1 mode to free on step 5. In theory it should keep going without retriggering and lfo2 will be retriggered. (Haven’t tried this but it should work.

That works for most uses, but the fade envelope now resets while LFO Trig is set to on.

I’m sure that in some cases it can be a good thing, but I was having trouble determining why it was happening until today!

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You can plock the fade to off on that parameter as well of course but I guess that will cut off any fading instigated prior and long enough to overlap that step. Not perfect but workable. Still, I agree that it would be very welcome to have that separated :slight_smile:

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I can’t hear the Metronome no matter what, nor using the standalone digitakt ( overbridge ) or Headphone… anyone?

I’ve discoverd that if you have an fx channel set, it still shares cc data, like the delay time and new filter share the same cc :{

Even set to a different channel from tracks ?

Had the same problem. Changing the midi auto channel helped in my case. FX and auto channel were set to the same channel.

Setting a retrigger to a length of INF won’t retrig at all, I sent this bug to support and they just confirmed it. Posting this here in case anyone else runs into it.


I want to thank those who find and can reproduce bugs and then report them. I lack the time to do this myself so thank you for making the Digitakt better for everybody. Lets hope we get a hot fix release soon. Sorting out the EQ and sequencer bugs is hopefully a priority.

E stands for ectasy :slight_smile:


Boot loader revision.

So should I open a Support ticket for the Metronome problem I have ( is just mute not matter what )

Or trying flash the Os once more?