Digitakt 1.50 : Bug reports

New firmware has been released!

Remember to back up before upgrading and even load a new empty project to avoid any damage to your current project.
And avoid upgrading before a gig. :tongue:

You encountered something wrong in this OS and want to check if others can replicate it ?
Here is the place.

Doesn’t replace a support ticket, of course, but you might want to check if it’s not a feature before declaring a bug :wink:

Please report every bug via the Support Tickets section on elektron.se. once it’s been reproduced by someone else.


More likely a recording start problem.

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Sample download (transfer from the Digitakt to the PC) fails on 1.50 with Transfer

I’d say is a firmware bug as it fails with Elektroid 2.4.1 too.

Still to be confirmed.

I’m finding some weirdness with the naming of samples when loading them into the sample pool.
Let’s say in the main directory I have 3 samples: “1” “2”and “3”
If I load each one individually while staying in the sample load window. When I look back into the sample pool each one will be named: “1”.

(Copied from the 1.50 thread)

I think I found a bug.

Record for 128 steps, include notes with the same pitch (i had slight randomization on the timbre, note to note)

-> I had a grid of 8 notes tuned to C

Slice, divide to 8

Slice position to 4,

LFO set to slice select, random and depth of 3.5

Record melody using chromatic keys.

->For some reason, the melody is varying each playthrough. Even if the only thing changing is the slice via LFO (and each slice is tuned exactly the same).

Can others reproduce?

Yep happens here too. The pitch jump occurs when the LFO (at 3.5) reaches the Note setting in the Slice menu. Ideally the Note setting should be ignored by the LFOs when modulating Slice, but as it stands you’ll just have to be careful with the LFO depth to avoid it reaching Note (set it to 3.0 in this case)

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When I fiddle with the encoders when in one of the machines sometimes my sample pool pops up for some reason. Anyone else experience this?


Not a bug but a warning—remember to hit “OK” and quit Transfer after you update!

I moved to up to 1.50 last night, built some new patterns, saved them in the temp memory, and then turned off my DT without properly saving the project (as I often do when I’m not ready to commit to a new version). When I woke up this morning and turned the machine back on, all those new temporarily saved patterns were gone.


Turns out I left Transfer running on my laptop with the USB hooked up to the DT (I must’ve been too excited to start playing, or too stoned, I didn’t even hit “OK”). When my booted up my DT, Transfer seems to have saved over the temp file I’d made with the previously saved version of my project.

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Please report if you haven’t already! :slight_smile:

I’ve had that twice now.
But never before version 1.50.

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Welcome @Elektroverse

Do you mean you can’t remove trigs ?
External midi in ?

No loop ?

A video would help…

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Couple of bugs on my end so far.
I made a few patterns did some quick saves.But when I powered back on the unit all the patterns had changed.i didn’t save the project before powering down.
Second bug I noticed is every time I play a pattern for the first time it’s doesn’t play all the samples till it cycles through the pattern fully.i have checked and fixed and micro timing so I don’t believe that to be the main cause.Both issues have only begun since the new update

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How have the patterns changed and what machines were you using?

Samples swapped out with the default sounds.I used a combination of all the new machines

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Did you not save the project after updating, then powered down ?

Does the missed triggers happen when just loading a fresh project? Because DT is then still loading all samples into ram so you won’t hear everything immediately. In the top left corner a loading symbol appears. Always was the case

Same here.

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Also, no big deal but when I engage any of the machines but don’t make any changes and go to one shot the volume is audibly louder. Is there a reason for that?

I guess similar has been reported… but I just sampled something and saved it to a track only to find after that the pattern had been erased. Thankfully though, all the sample tracks are intact in their previous unsaved form.

Since updating I hadn’t saved the project but I had used quick save on every pattern. I had also previously powered the unit off and rerturnd later to find the patterns where still their.My issue happend the next time I powered the unit off.i created four new patterns quick saved each at various stages of tweaking the patterns. I powered the unit and found when I returned to the new patterns they no longer had the melodies I created but where filled with percussion on shot samples which were the default sounds
You might be on to something about the second issue tho.When it happend the unit was freshly powered on and the first time I payed the pattern only some sounds play.if I stop the pattern and replay they all genarlly kick in.inhadnt notice this behavior before prior to the new update tho

This is the reason. After updating you need to re-save the project. Quick save (I think you mean temp save?) is not enough. Logically you’d think after boot it will load the exact state it was in even though an update has been executed, and I agree. But when updating an OS I’ve always re-saved projects immediately after loading. Don’t want them to be in a sort of OS purgatory. I wouldn’t call this a bug per se. projects saved in an older OS just need to be re-saved anyway after updating to a new OS.

Second issue: Yeah that load behavior has always been there. The more samples in the project, the longer it needs to load.