Digitakt and Cubase - Rack instrument?

Hey all, would like to get you’re opinion on the following:
Since we’re to open just 1 instance of overbridge per physical instrument, this means one needs to use the Digitakt as a rack instrument inside Cubase, right? This enables one to take care of each DT track separately.
Now, since Rack instruments are not too comfortable in Cubase (automation and volume become cumbersome…) I was wondering if there’s another solution or workflow you guys are using to make this more of a seamless experience?

Thank you

If you disable Overbridge mode, you can route each channel to it’s own track. Assuming your system sees it, the DT acts like a regular sound card that way. That’s how I bring audio from the DT to my DAW in my system. I do this for tracks that don’t rely on any internal DT fx. This allows me flexibility to add/remove fx afterwards. For anything I do completely in the DT and love “as-is” (which there are quite a few), I record the main outs, archive the project, and call it a day. Just sharing what I do, others will have more insight i’m sure. best of luck.

~ get inspired, make a beat, wash your hands, repeat…

Hey HiGrade1 and thanks :slight_smile:
Since I’m kind of a novice, I have a few questions, and please forgive me if these are obvious to you…

  1. Disabling Overbridge means having 8 separate audio inputs to my pc, or are you still able use the DT USB audio output option?
  2. How does this work with controlling the MIDI from my DAW (cubase in my case)?
  3. Could you maybe share a few screens so that I can try and recreate this on my setup?

Thanks very much since this is really helpful.

  1. if you want 8 separate audio inputs without using overbridge you have to choose de DT as your AI in Cubase

  2. sorry don’t fully understand your question, do you mean sending midi out from Cubase to …. or vice versa

  3. not at the moment sorry

Also which Cubase version are you using artist or pro?

Hey and thanks again :slight_smile:

  1. you mean VI, right? You wrote AI. Just making sure
  2. Indeed I mean midi out form Cubase to DT and back. Sorry for not being clear.
    I’m using Cubase pro

no I mean AI from audio interface :wink:

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Ah! :slight_smile:
Gonna try this.

you don’t have to make a instrument track a simple midi track will do

you are lucky that you have the pro version because for actually to be possible to record the 8 audio tracks when using overbridge you have to create busses where you have to choose the right input and that is only possible in Cubase pro( quick short explaining) because you have to do actually a lot to make it work

there is a good video on you tube how to set it up
I will check if I cant put it here
one moment please :wink:

sorry cant find it at the moment
will search for it to night after work ( if I don’t forget it :smile: )

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Man - you’re a HUGE help!
Very much appreciated!

did not forget I just didn’t find it yet the video I was talking about. :expressionless:

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Found it


Man you are simply the best!
I’ve tried to do as you wrote but made a complete mess.
Hopefully tonight i’ll be able to get this right with the video;'s help.

Again - thank you very much!!

you are welcome man glad that I could help.

yes I know it wasn’t very clear to me also in the beginning

one more thing I want to talk about and also to answer a bit to your midi question

midi from DT to Cubase with overbridge works very good
for example read and record on, you turn an encoder on DT and he records it and gives the track the name contains wich audiotrack from DT and wich parameter

I found this very easy and handy

BTW are you familiar with the input transformer of Cubase ?

It’s funny you should mention this “you turn an encoder on DT and he records it and gives the track the name” - I actually tried this yesterday and not sure it worked quite the way I expected this.
But again - once I’ll set it up with your input and the video, I suspect things will come into focus.

As for input transformer - nope…

EDIT - Had to delete and re open DN and DT instruments, now works…
Later will try the entire thing…

(Bad news - re opened the same project, did absolutely nothing except upgrading os and overbridge, and it’s all a mess.
when I’m trying to open digitone, it opens digitakt.
And both don’t play a sound.)

I’m not promising anything :no_mouth: but I will try to make a video about it how the encoders are recording in Cubase using overbridge

Now about the input transformer.
I think its the same when using overbridge ( not sure) but when you send midi to cubase from the audio tracks or midi tracks to a miditrack in Cubase you will have to configure the input transformer on that midi track so it only listens to the midi channel you put on that midi /audio track coming from the DT

Otherwise every midi the DT is sending out will be received by that miditrack in Cubase and we don’t want that do we :slightly_smiling_face:

you can find the Input transformer on each midi track its that button with a squared arrow on it

setting should be something like this
filter channel unequal to (the midi channel you want to receive on that midi channel in Cubase

I’m assuming you don’t have any filter possibilities in your midi interface :wink:

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You’re the gift that keeps on giving :laughing:
I’ll explore that one as well!

Hi mate, thanks for the video.
Unfortunately it doesn’t work for me.
I tried Overbridge as a standalone - it works.
Tried in Maschine, Logic - it works.
In Cubase, not a sound. There, in the video, when he activates all outputs and presses play on Digitakt, he gets sound which is streamed from the device to vst. I do not. I will sell Digitakt, sadly, this is too frustrating.

Hi, my place works. But 24 tracks to record 8? Are we serious here?
36 with Digitone?