Digitakt and Microbrute?

Just wondering what midi settings do you need to make on Digitakt to control the Microbrute?
I can’t get them to sync as I don’t know the correct settings…please help!
Cheers :grinning:

DT midi out to microbrute midi in
In midi settings on DT set to send.Then press track 9 and on the src page hold the function button and press down on the encoder.this should bring up a number 1 for example.Tap the 9 button again and if you hear sound.then it’s working of you don’t hear sound then change the number by turning the encoder.

Hope that makes sense

You might need to change the microfreak to take an an external clock. I think by default it ignores external clock for it’s own.

Thanks for helping out! Do I need to make an connection with any audio leads between the two machines or will the midi cable be enough?

You can run your audio from the microbrute into your DT if you want.do you have a mixer ?

Midi cannot transfer audio. You will need to mix the microfreak output audio with the digitakt. You can do this by plugging the output of the microfreak to the input of the digitakt and going into the digitakt external audio page and turn the volume up there. Or you could plug them both into a mixer or audio interface.

I do indeed. I have a lead from the MB line out going into the left input in on DT… pressing number 9 and no sound…

Thanks…I just have a single lead from the MB line out going into the left input of DT…

Where can I find the external audio page on DT? Cheers!!

Press func and lfo button a couple times I believe.

Thanks a million for the help…got it sorted😀

Thanks a million for the help…got it working👍

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