Digitakt & AUM integration

Hi folks! I’m trying to get my Digitakt work with AUM on iPad. One thing that I can’t setup is play button. I want hitting play on Digitakt getting to play also AUM but I don’t know how to setup this. It works seamlessly other way around, I mean when I hit play on AUM, Digitakt is also starts to playing. Any ideas how I can resolve this issue?

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Hello, Michal. You have set transport send/receive and midi via USB to DT?

Yes, it is set.

I don’t think AUM will follow external MIDI clocks. Not sure about start/stop though.

I think AUM is host only. I feel it is fine if you have only some synths you want to trigger with DT, but if you have things with movement that require play to be pressed in order to work you need to press play via AUM.

I think I read on Audiobus forums that there is a workaround with some midi tools, But I have not tried any such thing myself

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Thank you! I think I can live with it :sweat_smile:

  • You have to to the MIDI control panel in the top right corner menu
  • then select transport parameters
  • then select start play
  • the press on learn and click the play button on the DT.
  • repeat for stop.

You may need to click the invert button as well. It varies on each synth. You may also find you need to repeat this setting sometimes when you reopen the app. It is a bit glitchy and you may also need to do it mid-session.

Cheers. :wink:

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I’ve tried this and it doesn’t work unfortunately :frowning:

I am using AUM and AUDIOBUS for exact that reason.
will let you know when I am back to my iPAD and send you some screenshots

There is to double tap the stop button on DT I think

First things first:

I also attached project files for AUM and AUDIOBUS with correct settings.

Digitakt AUM.aumproj (14.0 KB)
Digitakt Audiobus AUM.audiobuspreset.zip (38.2 KB)

Settings - Midi Config - Sync - SEND TRANPORT/CLOCK



  • AudioBus will take the MIDI information from Digitakt and will forward it to AUM (using ABLETON LINK)
    on the bottom left corner select MIDI: and set up like this

bottom right corner hit the SETTINGS button:

Ableton Link - ENABLED
Quantize - 1 BAR

MIDI Cock Sync:



as INPUT device choose DIGITAKT/SYNTAKT:

upper left corner:
hit the TEMPO:

and then the three dots: …
Ableton Link - connected (enable all options)

you should be able to use your DIGITAKT/SYNTAKT as Master device - PLAY/STOP for AUM will work.


This looks great! Thanks a lot!

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let me know if it is working for you.

Tried it and it looks like it is working! Thanks again!

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