Digitakt Bank Problems

One last question, what is a P-lock? I’m guessing Program Lock? How, when and why would you implement this?

Over the next couple of days I will post a live jam to thank you! hahaha

No problem. Do you actually have “bank” changes on the Sub37 working now?

P-lock is an abbreviation of “parameter-lock”. I amended my previous post to give the full phrase. Parameter locking is one of the most powerful feature of any Elektron sequencer, in that you can easily set a different value for any sound parameter on any sequencer step. We might need this quite soon if the procedure I gave you above for changes patches on the Sub37 is not working. If you haven’t read as far as page 33 in the DT manual yet, p-locks will amaze you. :star_struck:

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I do indeed have my bank changes working now, super SUPER HAPPY! Next time you’re in London I’d like to shout you a beer for all your help! :wink:


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