Digitakt Cheat Sheet v2 is here!


After the new Digitone cheat sheet, here’s the re-design of the Digitakt cheat sheet. Very happy to share this just before Christmas :slight_smile:

It’s a free download (or pay what you want to support) and you can get it right here: Shop — Dave Mech

It’s also included in the Mastering Digitakt course

Design by Actitect.com

I hope this is useful to you. If you have suggestions that you’d like to see on the sheet, let me know in the comments. I’ll consider the suggestions but adding more info is going to be very hard as it’s already very packed full of information .

Would love to hear what you think of it. Enjoy, and merry Christmas :slight_smile:



The course seems to still have v1.01i in it? (Enjoying the course a lot, by the way…)

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Just the file name. Have to rename it :slight_smile: will do.

Great to hear !


Hi, I just downloaded and printed the cheatsheet for a friend who’s new to the Digitakt.

It’s a great resource for a beginner, however we found the design did not work too well for us in a situation where the light is not too bright, e.g. in an evening session with a DAWless setup. As I would imagine that might affect a few people in your target group, I’ll offer some feedback:

While I do have a soft spot for the font - I used a similar font in the 1990ies a lot on flyers and such - its readability is arguably great, especially with the smaller font sizes and with words and headlines that are set in capitals. I guess that’s mostly because the glyphs are designed to look very uniform, and maybe also because the kerning is a bit unusual. In addition to that the spacing between lines, and to the edges of the boxes is very tight, which does not help.

There’s a lot of information in some boxes, so using a small font size seems inevitable. Here are a few suggestions for fonts for small printed text if you’re interested.

On a screen, readability is still impaired, but this is not so much of a problem, because the screen is backlit and you can zoom. But the print version might benefit from a more accessible design.


Thanks for the feedback!
Yeah multiple people have pointed this out now so it’s already in the planning to create a new version with a font that’s a bit more traditional for the back side. I think I will keep the front as is because the letters are big enough and the texts are short enough that it’s not a problem. But the backside is getting a new font yeah :slight_smile:

The person that did the design is focussed on SB rn so we’ll change it after that and also add the cheat sheet for syntakt to boot :slight_smile:

Thanks for your input, it’s much appreciated!


The front side’s readability is okay in your opinion ?

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Mostly. There are some boxes with small text in the lower right corner, and headlines and other stuff in all capitals is generally a little harder to read than lowercase or title case.

I could imagine the following things:

  • consistent capitalization of interface elements (e.g. “hold NO + press ENCODER
    while sequencer plays” instead of “HOLD NO + PRESS ENCODER WHILE SEQUENCER PLAYS”, there are a couple of other places on the right side, too)
  • the filter cutoff estimates might improve when the values are aligned right and the Hz are aligned left (like you do everywhere else)
  • slightly alternating background color for rows in the boxes (Modes, Saves, Pag., Other)
  • make the fonts of the headlines a little little lighter (or adjust the kerning), currently the glyphs appear to touch each other, making them less readable
  • the Legend needs a bit more space between the rows (which can be gained by reflowing the text for TRIG). maybe also slightly alternating background here, but I think it’s fine as it is
  • remove the white space between the boxes that go together, the kerning of the colon provides enough space for separation, and the white space makes it look like the boxes don’t belong together, when in fact they do. Look at the Saves, Pag. and Other sections, the title connects to the left box, and the right box is set apart.

Feel free to ignore all of that. You somehow activated my “revise design” mode, because I should get other stuff done that bores me to death. I’ll turn it off again now and get back to work :grinning:


haha ˜ :joy:

No really thank you for your input :slight_smile: Super valuable! I’ll copy paste this and decipher some of the things you’re saying and take what I agree with and forward it to the designer. A lot of the things you’re saying make sense and are not a complete overhaul but nice tweaks to make the cheat sheet even better.

Thanks again!