Digitakt compressor ruins the sound?

Hi there! I noticed strange artefacts in the compressor works at certain settings. Who has the opportunity to test this on their device, please do this and leave the comments. I couldn’t find it mentioned anywhere, possibly because I can’t accurately describe the problem.

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I gotta be honest I’m not sure I understand what you’re highlighting - might be my ignorance/ears - sounds like you’re isolating the click - I don’t hear any distortion

I it is no problem with the compressor, tiny aliens invaded your digitakt!

you may need to use headphones and enough volume to hear it.

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Aha! Yes my volume wasn’t anywhere near high enough - I had to really crank it but I hear it - definitely aliens.

I need to test something else on a takt today Ill try this for you too haha

If putting the video out though Id try and boost that part of the audio so it’s audible at normal listening levels - you’ll have people blowing their ear drums otherwise haha

If you suspect it’s the DT causing distortion (rather than revealing) then submit a few different samples to the same process and see how that seems

It’s an irritating artefact, but you’d have imagined this would have been flushed out before now although as i don’t know the DT i’m not that sure how long it’s had compression

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First octatrack now this? Next minute the syntakt will sound bad.

I guess its what you can expect from an inbuild compressor.

Did you play with attack and release? Try to adjust your settings more…

this is a track from video - distortion appears at 1:15

You’re taking very little gain off with the compressor, but adding 12db make up to the all wet signal. I wonder if it’s actually distorting because the signal is going over 0db at the output? Maybe the wooshing sound is the compressors attack and release shaping the digital distortion.

what happens if you take the make up gain off and then boost the recorded signal up instead?

I can definitely get a kick drum to distort through the master compressor (you would expect to right? all compression introduces some distortion) but not with the kind of weird alias-y type of noise you have there.


I tried it for quite a long time on different samples the effect is always the same

(i’ve always thought the make up gain defaulting to 12db is a weird decision)

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it doesn’t look like level distortion, it’s digital interference

gain just to hear those artifacts better, they are in any gain position

I’m just interested in the nature of this phenomenon and yes, it prevents me from fully enjoying the operation of the compressor

So back it off a bit until you cant hear it? Most compressors do weird distorty things to a sound at certain settings.


you are right if you lower it more this effect disappears, but I do not like strong compression, I would like to use small values where these distortions appear

I can’t really recreate it tbh. I tried!

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for the kick sample i’m using those settings really bring out a slightly odd part of the sound as the release lets go, but it’s not got the kinda of aliasing digital distortion that’s in the clip.

I began to notice this only at high volume in the headphones, before that it did not bother me.