Digitakt compressor ruins the sound?

Thats been done🤣

Indeed, I foresee a music meme format where a youtuber will find “faults” with gear that just amounts to doing some crazy eq in the DAW and boosting the volume past distortion. “OMG [Popular music gear] RuInS the SoUnD!”

All in good fun.


maybe you should use headphones for what you’ve been hearing. As a result, this guy @rtme also managed to get this shit, yes it’s quiet, but readable, I’m surprised that many users do not hear that

it would be more correct to call it bit-reduce but it ruines too

@dmitryleeo you would probably get different responses from people about this if you just recorded the artifact you’re hearing. When I listen to the video, there’s no point when I can hear the artifact on its own: either your voice is over it or you’ve EQ’d it to crazy levels. Basically I’m not even sure I can hear what’s going on without alteration.

It is what it is: A little gift from Elektron to Digitakt users.

It’s a basic digital compressor, not a cpu hungry emulation of analog hardware. For example, I get tons of digital clicks when I “misuse” it, just with any other basic digital compressor in a DAW.

this is exactly what I don’t like, this effect appears at the lightest compression which should not imply strong artefacts and only after lowering the thrashhold to extreme values ​​does it disappear or go beyond audibility

I just found an actually weird behaviour. The clicks go away when I turn the master volume to ca. 75% - 80% instead of 100% … I just tried that with a make up gain of 24db.

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So the clicks go away when you lower the main volume, not the makeup gain? That does sound pretty interesting. 24db is quite a lot of gain though – I don’t know if I’ve ever tried it at that level! I should try this, because I’m sometimes interested in using the weird artifacts intentionally. I often push the Octatrack compressor too hard intentionally, to generate dirty distortion, but haven’t really experimented with the DT compressor in this way.

And is that behavior independent of the sample(s) you select?

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  • yes, i went up to 24db to confirm that lowering the master volume “fixes” that, independendly of the makeup gain.

  • the clicks will be independend of the sample since they are clearly a digital clipping artifact.

  • (i don’t use one-shot samples right now, the sound in this case was a fat bassdrum using square wave and filter. so, there wouldn’t be artifacts from - let’s say - “suboptimal sample technology” anyway.)

On another note, the LXR-02 does have digital artifacts very slightly similar to those from the original poster, but always clearly audible. Sounds a bit like very old sound cards. So far, nobody cares, it seems. Or that’s cool and retro. (however, I returned mine and that wasn’t the reason).

Edit OT: Here I posted something with super high makeup gain, it wasn’t 24db but the tracks were very loud already. The Digitakt Wonder: appreciation thread - #184 by Jeanne

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There was a 1990s Alesis digital compressor that was notorious for these artifacts. Sounds familiar, but not as bad.

I know exactly what you mean! I just had a flashback to using the Tahiti Turtle Beach sound card in the 90s. I remember thinking it was amazing when I got it :wink: tech has really come a long way


I played shows with the Digitakt and its “horrible” compressor and rocked the crowd without any weird sound artifacts. It definitely doesn’t ruin the sound. Maybe it’s not “clean” enough for one or two people but for the rest of the world it’s good enough.

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Headphones? I haven’t even turned it on.

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You mean that BR effect on the “SRC” page? I do think it would have been more fun to vary the sample rate as well as the bit reduction, like the OT. Because everybody loves the OT’s sound quality, right?

… obv OT to this thread, but actually I had quite a long conversation with Erica’s support regarding the constant digital whining noise floor of the LXR-02. At first they denied the issue, but after pointing them to a couple more examples audible in popular youtube videos, they at least agreed it’s a general issue (by design/engineering?) but nothing to do about. I returned the LXR for that reason although I quite liked workflow and immediacy of that box.

WRT to DT: Don’t see any issue or reason to extensively debate around the compressor/sound at most extreme settings. If you push something to the limits there will be an effect. I appreciate that.


Oh! I have noticed that too!

Found the name for my new industrial project. At least one good thing has emerged from this thread.


This may not work for your clicks, but for me I usually pull back the attack, or adjust to sample start and the clicks disappear.

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I’ve been experimenting with this more and I have run into a problem. I really like those clicks but want more of them.

Problem is I can’t do it with all the maxing out gain etc, because my dog is napping. How do I make these beautiful clicks more pronounced in my mix while still keeping it at a reasonable napping volume?

Im surprised there’s not a dedicated button for that.