Digitakt controlling Opsix but

Hi I’m stuck. I’ve learnt all sorts new by reading here and manuals but not sure what I’m missing.

I’m using my digitakt to control my Opsix. Just learning and experimenting.

The DT triggers the Opsix but always the sequencer. I can’t stop it doing it. I want it to play individual notes of my choosing.

What am I missing?

Thanks for any help

Is it to do with sending transport start/stop? I don’t have a Digitakt, so no manual, but check in the MIDI config settings?

Could you try different words? Does not compute… :sweat_smile:

If I stop transport start/stop in the DT settings I get nothing. No sound from the Opsix. If I enable Tx Stop/start the sequencer goes again :frowning:

Hi yes I can :slight_smile:

I want the DT to use the opsix. I want a trig on the DT to play an individual note on the opsix. So Trig 1 is a C4. But as soon as I press play on the DT with just trig 1 active the sequencer sets off.

Hmmm. I think I need to disable transport on the DT and work out how to get the DT to play a single C4 on the opsix.

Do I sound a bit lost? That’s because I am :wink:

So as a tip:

Press Func + Pattern to go into live keyboard mode and see if the OpSix receives any notes. Actually I don’t see a reason why MIDI transport should be needed for sending notes over the sequencer (that’s more for syncing other gear to the clock and start/stop it)

Great will try later now. I really appreciate your help

Also, is that what ‘transport’ means/does? Sets a connected sequencer going?

I have the same issue, I think you need to switch off the local control: (p. 89 of OPSIX Manual)
*MIDI LOCAL setting when connecting an external MIDI sequencer or
*If the opsix is connected to an external MIDI sequencer or computer, and the Echo Back setting of
the external MIDI sequencer or computer is turned on while the opsix’s local control setting is also
on, the performance data generated when you play the opsix’s keyboard will be sent to the external
MIDI sequencer, and will also be echoed back to sound the opsix’s tone generator a second time. To
prevent this kind of echo-back from happening, you can simply turn off local control on the opsix.
This setting is found on the MIDI page in the GLOBAL page group. Switch “Local Control” (→p.71)
to “Off ”.

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Actually ignore that, you can just switch the “rx transport” to off on the Opsix (it’s also in the Global settings as above).

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Don’t forget to also make sure that the sequencer track on the Digitakt you’re using is set to the same midi channel that the opsix is set to receive midi on.

Yes, kinda.

Ok. Tried all these. Thank you all.

‘Transport on on Opsix’ certainly sets off the Opsix sequencer. Transport off is silence.

Same midi channels on both.

Can play the opsix by pressing button ‘Midi A’, plays the C4 as set.

I cannot get the DT to sequence the opsix by setting trigs and pressing ‘play’ on the DT. I’m sure it is super simple but I’m flummoxed

Here’s a funny one: Is the midi track muted on the Digitakt? It still sounds if you press the note, but won’t play the sequence in that case (I’ve had this happen myself once…)


Love it. I bet it is. Just doing something else, will get to check this in an hour. Chuckling to myself now, I hope you’re right

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OMG. I have just unmuted the tracks and it works.

Ha ha ha. Thanks @Oxenholme. I’ve read about doing this too many times and have done it on the DT’s internal tracks before, just didn’t think to do it on MIDI.

Solved. Thank you all. I’m still chuckling away to myself



It’s always something like that with Elektron gear.


Love it


I know, it’s confusing because it does make sound when you press the trig, so you wouldn’t think it’s actually muted… stumped me for a good while as well at one point :sweat_smile:


I meant to thank you too for your really gentle way of suggesting it might be muted. Great communication skills there