Digitakt> Digitone> Heat> Computer?

Hi guys, Iam really happy with the Digitakt and want to add the digitone soon and after the heat maybe…

Is it possible to connect all via usb to each other, to skip the the external audio inputs and let them free for other gear. For example DKT usb into DT, DT usb into HT and HT into OB?
And even better, that all the separate tracks are still separate in overbridge even after they went trough all the elektron veins?

Er, NO.

USB needs a PC.


You’re going to want to connect them with midi, or connect all of them separately into a computer using USB.

I think stretchy man means that all of your devices need to be plugged in to your computer, not to each other.
But otherwise, yes you don’t necessarily need audio cables.

@stretchyman, surely you could be more constructive with your comments…



What I meant to say is some folk don’t seem to have the faintest idea how to wire things up and then expect they’re going to make music with these things.

Some knowledge of DC and wiring and then BASIC computer stuff should be researched before spending loads of money on something you cant even plug in.

Sign of the times I guess…



well I hope you feel the inclination to teach people in the future instead of just telling them they are bad for not having the knowledge they are asking for…