Digitakt -> Digitone -> Keystep

Hello Elektronauts!
just entering to midi world :slight_smile:

I’ve been playing with the digitakt (master) hook up with the digitone (slave). My problem is that i’m using midi in entrance on the digitone and i can’t find a way to plug the keystep for play. I was thinking in a midi merge box but i’m not sure if it would work. I’m traying to keep digitakt as master (not using any computer in between). Have any of you deal with this before? and if someone knows can explain the route configuration of sync, port and channels?


Reverse the order and have keystep be the clock.

you could plug the keystep into the digitakt, which you could then use for sending MIDI notes into digitone

so two MIDI cables:

Now with this configuration, you can set either the Keystep or the digitakt to be MIDI clock master. If you want to use keystep arp synced to the rest of the gear, you set Keystep to be master MIDI clock and DT and DN MIDI clock slaves.

Regardless of which sync config you choose, you can still play the keystep into either DT or DN for note entry. The trick is to use one or several tracks of the DT’s MIDI tracks for sending notes on to the DN’s track channels (or just use the DN AUTO Channel if you want the notes to follow the track focus of the DN). This also requires that you set the AUTO Channel of the digitakt to receive notes from the channel Keystep is sending notes to.

This requires a bit of setting up in the configs of both DT and DN. All the info is in the manual.


Hi man!

Ive done this and its working fine. But when I play the DT notes it plays the highest octave and I need to go down a few times to get a normal response. any clue?