Digitakt / Digitone Recording Quality

Hey guys, I’m kind of new to the Elektron universe and on Elektronauts as well.
I recorded yesterday one of my last techno / lofi jams with my DT and my DN via OB and it worked well (main output with reverb/delay etc.).
When I was listening to it during the jam it sounds fine, but after the recording I do have the feeling the result sounds kind of dull… Any recommendations for me?
I was specially wondering cause I know a few jams on YT where the people didn’t master anything and it sounds on YT still better than my recording…

Sometimes I use the Digitakt as my Interface or my Behringer FCA 1616.
I recorded it on my Mac Book Pro and on my PC as well.
Maybe its something with the Bitrate?
Which Bitrate do you guys use when recording stuff?

Thanks for your help!

Can only speak for myself but my recordings are mainly 24bit-48khz. Occasionally 96KHz depending on the type of music and intention to process with VST fx more.
Dunno how the behringer converters are. I barely notice any difference in sound recording 2 channel master out from DT/DN thru my audio interface or straight thru overbridge or DT/DN as audio interface

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what do you mean by dull? quieter, or muffled etc?

EDIT: are the results the same regardless of whether youre recording the stereo output via OB or the Behringer?

I don’t mean quieter it’s more like muffled…

and the results are the same whether youre recording via OB or audio interface?

Welcome to the forum!

How are you listening to the jam? Through one device, on headphones/monitors, a mixer? The reason I ask is that maybe you are summing the audio from both devices through one of them when jamming, but separating things into two audio files while recording, thus losing the internal summing, maybe? Also, are you listening back at the same volume in the same way? Louder signals are more exciting to our ears.

FWIW, I record DT over USB audio and it sounds exactly like when I’m listening on the DT’s headphone jack. Things change very slightly when going through my Behringer soundcard but not drastically so if I’m recording at high enough volume without peaking.

Yes unfortunately.

Yeah I put my studio headphones usually into my digitakt and I’m recording via USB into OB.
And like I said I use the internal inputs from the digitakt to record the Digitone.
I thought the main out wav should be exactly the same or am I wrong?
Otherwise, what would you recommend?

You’re comparing apples with another kind of apples as it is the music from someone else you’re comparing your sound to. Next to that, they could have done all kind of post processing and still say they didn’t “master” anything.

Well, for a good comparison you should use the Digitakt as your interface as that is your D/A convertor when you are jamming, so use that when playing back and comparing the recording you made with the jam. In USB compliant mode you can do a jam and do a playback of your recorded jam simultaneously for quick side-by-side comparison.

When you are recording your jams via USB or with Overbridge the sound is not leaving the digital domain, so no A/D D/A conversion is happening. In theory the sound should be exactly the same. You could try to record it via USB class compliant mode to see if that makes any difference with Overbridge to make sure you are comparing the stereo main mix incl. the master compressor and fx mixed in.

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Correct. I do this all the time over USB audio. But as @rtme says, maybe the OB recording is leaving out the compressor? I shove things into that very hard and am pleased with the results. The other solution here is, of course, Analog Heat at the end of your chain, but I would concentrate on mixing better to get closer to the sounds you like on YT rather than throwing money at the problem.

Okay! Thanks for your helpful and quick replies I‘ll work on it! :slight_smile:

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