Digitakt & Digitone Sync

Hey gang,

After buying and selling the Digitone and Digitakt twice (separately, never together) decided to buy both of them together. Now that I have both I can’t seem to be able to sync them… I have the Digitakt as a master clock sending clock and transport as well as program changes. The Digitone is set up to receive clock and transport as well as program changes. They do not sync… I’ve tried different midi cables, restarting the devices… Every time I press play on the Digitakt the Digitone does not respond. I have the Digitakt connected to a couple of loopers and the loopers respond perfectly, the only one not responding is the Digitone. Is there anything I can try to resolve this issue?

Thanks so much.

make sure MIDI port config is directed to both MIDI+USB or MIDI and not just USB, which is possible if all other settings are fine

Thanks for the response. Got them finally synced up… Now I’m having some timing issues… When I record a bassline on the Digitone and played perfectly on time, then the second loop comes around after recording it, it’s out of time!!! I made sure the time signatures are the same on both machines… Very strange… what can be causing this? I did notice that sometimes the Digitone shows 96.02 bpm when the Digitakt shows 96.00 but I imagine this to be normal. Any thoughts? Thanks :+1: