Digitakt factory content missing?

I would suggest, Read through the thread, consider the things it says. Try the things mentioned. If you are still having trouble, return it. Good luck.

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guys i had the same problem , its not a problem

all I did was do a factory firmat and everything was there again

turn digitakt off, press func and keep pressing func then turn digi on

now press 3

this is what I did, lost everything but gained everything!


I just bought a brand new DIGITAKT (delivered with latest os 1.04) and it makes no sound : (
And i canā€™t also find no Factorypreset sounds. Do i something wrong, or i got one without preset sounds?! Can I get the preset sound from anywhere, or must i return the DIGITAKT?

Thank you very much !!!
I am really down now, i wanted start directly make sounds with the on board materialā€¦

Have a nice evening!


This was an issue when it first came out. It might have carried onto your device.

Off the bat, try to open a new project and see if defaults at least appear. If not, submit a support ticket.

Good luck! Youā€™re going to have a lot of fun once the wheels start moving!

Thanks Ryan! OK, started a new project etc, there are coming no sounds :frowning:
I think i have got a one of these bad DIGITAKTs. Tomorrow i will go to the store again and hope to get a functional one. What a mess :((((((

did you try factory format , as mentioned by forsh about 4 posts ago ?

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You problem stopped being a problem on one of the last updates. You should look in the manual to see how to perform a factory reset and a restore of the default content before trying to return it.

OK, i have also did the FACTORY RESET what forsh mentioned before. NO SOUNDS AGAIN :frowning: i listen now over headphones , master volumes on, press play (the Subaquatic-Preset is showing) , but again no sounds?! Am i doing something wrong? or is the digitakt wrong? I have a Octarack , and i am not a total newbie. :((((

Letā€™s clear up you problem a little cause your wording is slightly confusing, and I would like to help.
Are you saying there are no sounds/samples in your box?
Or are you saying that no audio comes out of the headphones and l+r output?

Thank you : )
OK: No audio comes out from headphones and l+r output :frowning:
And i canā€™t hear/see samples :frowning:
There is no audio by first pressing play the virgin DIGITAKT to hear the factory sounds.
I would be great if you could help me. sorry for my bad english!

If you hit the settings button (the cog wheel) and select samples is there a factory folder that contains samples?

Also can you check if maybe tracks are muted?

if i press the cog wheel there comes the menu > VIEW + DRIVE then by pressing the RIGHT ARROW an empty list 000:off, 001:ā€”, 002:ā€” and so on
Tracks are not muted.

sorry by pressing the hell button there is a factory and a incoming folder.

Is there anything in the factory folder?

yes, DRUMS, SYNTHS and Toolbox Folders.
For example in the Drums Folder > a Acoustic and a Electronic Folder, both folder with a lot of KITS, but empty kits :frowning: whats that?

I didnā€™t know the Digitakt had a hell button, thatā€™s where it keeps samples? :thinking:

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Is it possible you have global mutes engaged, seems odd that you can see the factory patterns but not hear them.
I am not sure there will be anything in the +drive untill you put something in there. Have you checked the sound browser? (function+ level encoder), its different to samples. All samples can be accessed either through the cog wheel if you are loading up into a project or with func+src followed by func+yes while using an audio track.

Yesterday I formated the drive+ hoping that the factory samples and sounds wonā€™t be erased. It was. I know, my bad, but there is no clear instruction about the factory samples and sounds in the manual. I saw the Factory folder under the samples menu have lock icon, and hoped the format not affect the factory folder. It did! Now all my factory samples are lost, I see the subfolders, but those are empty! Tried a factory reset, Iā€™ve got back the sound NAMES in the sound manager, but all empty. Only showing the names and structure without any content.

Terrible that I unable to get my factory samples and drive+ content back!

I thought a factory reset should have brought the samples back, Iā€™m pretty sure it does on rytm, but looking at the manual it mentions sounds but not samples so Iā€™m not sureā€¦

Maybe try again, but I think Iā€™d file a support ticket with Elektron, I imagine theyā€™ll get you going again one way or anotherā€¦

I contacted Elektron support and they were very helpful, they aked my Digitakt back to repair and sent a parcel carrier for the unit.

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