Digitakt is able to send USB In to midi out / thru?


I would like to know if my DT will be able to send some midi message from ableton live to his midi physical output.

Setup is :

Midi messages > Digitakt usb in > midi out or midi thru > elektron machinedrum

is this possible ?

If you are controlling the MD with a MIDI track in the DT, you could assign Ableton to control the MIDI track and then the midi track will send notes and cc to the machine.

Maybe there is an easoer esy but that has work well for me.

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Are you running Overbridge? Create a midi track in ableton the send midi out to Digitakt midi channel 9-16. Set your midi channels on the Digitakt and you should be good.

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no it doesn’t operate as a MIDI interface, the usb MIDI bus and DIN bus are not connected on any Elektrons

somebody posted a workaround to fake it a long time back, it was a bit convoluted, albeit a neat solution that iirc used a mid track iirc and auto channel tricks

there may be other workarounds, but in principle, it’s not an intended feature

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So it should only depend of the same midi channel ? I basically play the MD chromatically with a midi processor or a max4live patch in ableton.

Are you saying that even if I do not send notes from the dt midi dedicated channel, if yhe ableton channel has the same midi channel it could send those CCs to the out/thru out ?

Ok, I know it’s not an intended feature. But It looks like it can work a bit if I correctly understand our neighbours posts ? Any way I only need one channel ! I think. Or maybe more then for more poly on MD.
I will see. I need to test all this thingz, I can process with my midi um one usb midi cable but my usb port was full ! Will see that tomorrow.

Thank you again

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It’s not necessary, you can (for example) set channel 1 to control midi track A in the settings of the DT, and then use any other channel (in the src page of midi track A) to output the notes to the MD.

That way you can also use the cc’s from DT to control things on the MD.