Digitakt issue: screen full with characters (Exception DT0084)

Oef…I got the following on my screen…
When I turn of the device and removed the power, and turned it on the message was gone…
So that message is gone now… hope it will not happen again… time will tell I guess…

Anyone seen this before?


Can’t help I’m afraid, but it would be worth submitting a ticket to Elektron, in case you haven’t already!


“Exception” error is a fairly generalized term but basically:

your machine may need a health exam. power off then start the machine while holding down the func key to enter into the preload menu and then choose the option to run the self diagnostic test, if you receive any error you can submit the data as part of a ticket to Elektron support along with your photo of the code string from your post.

My advice is back up your projects.

Also try and remember what was happening or what you were doing at the time the exception occurred, it may become relevant.


not yet reported, so I will do that.
Thx for responding

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Hi, that’s a good tip.
Will do a diagnostics and backup :slight_smile:
I’m curious what it will tell me.

Also curious, please update if it shows any error. Also, if it was while using one of the new “machines” from the 1.5 OS update please report it in the discovered bugs thread.

there is already one similar post to yours there.


The data string is different and this is “V04” not “V03” but it is a similar condition of freezing and exception displayed.


Yeah, will report it in the bugs thread when it happens again.
Currently the backup is running :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: , just to be sure


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Will hope that for your sake you never see it again!


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Sorry for the late response, support answered my ticket saying it’s an Overbridge error, and yes I was using overbridge when it happened.

The support team was super kind and reassuring, “Exception errors are always software-related, so there is no need to worry about the hardware in this case.” :slight_smile:


Good to hear it’s not hardware related!
Thanks for letting know!


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