Digitakt + Logic Pro: Triggering MIDI A - MIDI H tracks from Logic

Hi all,
So I have a synth connected to my Digitakt over MIDI and mapped to first four MIDI tracks (9 - 12). This synth then is inserted into Digitakt’s input. So I basically use Digitakt as an audio interface.
Digitakt is connected via USB to my workstation and I have Logic project where I created an audio track that listens to it’s output and also a MIDI track that’s mapped to Channel 1.
But so far I only managed to trigger Tracks 1- 8 (tracks with samples) from it and not Tracks 9 - 16, which seems strange to me.
Could you please point me out maybe I’m missing something? Everything works as expected except for this one issue.


I would check midi config, port config
Then input from and output to
Assuming you have de midi out and in of Dt connected to your synth, I would set them both on midi + usb

Thanks for the response!
Unfortunately, didn’t work for me.
Idk if there’s any mapping or something, because when I try to record a sequence in Logic and press 9-12 keys, those are somehow mapped to 1-4 when I play the sequence in Logic.

Did you check the midi channels of the midi tracks in the setup menu?

You can set the channel where the midi tracks receives information, and it could be different from the one you set in the track.

Hmm with what you are saying, I also would say what mncrmo is telling.