Digitakt loses audio after a while in Ableton 11 using Overbridge


This thing has been driving me crazy for the last few days and I’m wondering if it’s just my setup or if it has happened to someone else.
I’m using Digitakt as my audio interface along with the Overbridge plugin and it seems to work fine. However, after a while it will lose all audio output but the weirdest part is that Ableton keeps on recording and the tracks are still playing, I just don’t hear them anymore.
The only way to get the audio output back it is to close Live and turn the Digitakt off and on, but it never lasts long.

Has anyone else experienced this?

I’ve had similar issues. Running the latest versions of everything.

I’m using digitakt as an audio interface with the overbridge driver and it will cut out after a while no matter what is playing audio.

Edit: I’m on a Mac and I’ve found unplugging the USB and plugging it back in works to fix it.

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At least I’m not alone in this, that’s slightly comforting. Have you ever reported this issue to their support?

Nope, I just started experiencing it this weekend. I also just recently got my Digitakt. How long would you say it’s been going on?

Well, I just sent a ticket to the support, hopefully they can advise.

I hadn’t used Overbridge with the Digitakt before so I couldn’t say. I did try it briefly in the past with the Digitone and I don’t recall this happening, but I’m not sure if I was using the DN as the audio interface back then.

Just got a reply from their support and they have confirmed it’s a known issue. They sent me a beta version of a new firmware for the Digitakt and asked me for feedback on it, I will try it soon and post here if it’s solved.


Glad they’re working on it and its not some random thing with our setups!

Did you have a chance to try their beta driver? I have lost so much time to this one and just started to research dedicated Audio Interfaces after losing the will to make music this way. Saw it both on Windows and Mac :frowning:

I’ve only had a chance to try it for about 20mins yesterday and I’m happy to report I didn’t have any problems during that short period.
I’ll probably use it more intensively tonight, I’ll give some feedback here afterwards.


Just finished a 3 hour session using Ableton Live & Overbridge with 0 issues whatsoever! :partying_face:

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Promising, thanks for the feedback.

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Did you also test it with an Analog Heat?

Thanks! I also raised a request and got sent the beta. They said to ask others to do the same rather than sharing it. Will update with my experience.


No, just with the Digitakt.

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Just to be clear, this was beta firmware for the Digitakt. 1.30A-Beta. Working well for me so far.