Digitakt Midi Loopback with Ableton

I apologize if there’s a post about this(there probably is-I just can’t get my search terms in order)


  • Overbridge warns not sequencing DT with Midi
  • I want to use a DT midi track to control DT FX track
  • I don’t know how to do this in Ableton
Further brainstorming to put some skin in the game

I’m guessing I’ll need a M4L device to receive Midi CCs from channels and associate it to designated parameters on a different/same track?


I went M4L to do this.

Prepare yourself for the most crazy intensive patch programming you’ve ever seen


So, if you have Ableton and M4L and want to do this…there you go :smiley:

(Ableton settings should be fairly obvious, but to make it crystal clear. Set your Midi From to receive it from the Elektron device. Point it to the same Elektron device and on the channel you have setup for the FX channel.

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I’m only asking because I don’t know not because I’m insinuating that I know something you don’t, but won’t this have unpredictable results? I’m assuming you tried this already and you’re reporting on what worked, so when you send like an all notes off command, everything stops? It’s not like internal midi loopback where you may have to pull the plug to stop the ride?

I see what you mean now.

It was working before, but yeah, retrying the transport seems to be bugged.

Dang! Thanks for the insight.

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keep at it man I’m watching you from the corner of your room… I mean from the bleachers.

nevermind that flashing red light!

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Hmmmm…lol now I can’t find the bug.

The device is now working as I would expect it to work- Only receiving and passing off Midi Channel and CC messages.

If it pops up, I’ll troubleshoot it more. but it’s working for me now. If anyone improves it, please pass along the info lol

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