Digitakt midi send problems!

Hello everyone! I’m a new Digitakt user and I have a problem with the Midi issue… let’s see if someone here sounds familiar: when trying to record a midi pattern on an external sequencer (in this case an MPC one) with the sounds of the percussion part of the Digitakt, in this case we are talking about the audio tracks, the MPC sequencer does not receive any midi notes. When I do the opposite, being the MPC the one that sends midi notes, there is no problem and using the midi tracks from digitakt itself I don’t have any problem sending and recording Midi either. The problem is that… I’ve been looking at the manual and watching a video on YouTube and I can’t find a solution. Has anyone here had the same problem? All the best

The audio tracks receive but don’t send MIDI, while the MIDI tracks (9-16) can both send (from the SRC page) and receive (set in Settings > MIDI Config > Channels) MIDI.

To “print” the midi sequence from an audio track to another device, you can copy the desired track’s sequence (func + copy in grid mode) and paste onto a free MIDI track.


Don’t send me problems please ! :content:

I’ll add they can send midi with encoders and buttons, not with the sequencer (possible with A4 and AR).


Hello everyone, with your explanation I was able to get the MIDI sending problems…Sorry for my english…jejeje…thanks to all and greetings from Spain!!!

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Hola from France !