Digitakt Midi Takes 2 Hits to Change Synth Patch?

Hey Everyone,

I just synced up another midi synth to the digitakt and it’s opening a new realm. I have my midi out > Grandmother > Korg OpSix. The only issue I’m having is that when I change patterns on the digitakt, it takes the opsix 2 hits for the pattern to change. For example, I’m on pattern 1 (on digi) with synth patch 56, if I switch to pattern 2 (on digi) with synth patch 57, it won’t change the synth pathch from 56 to 57 until the second trig on the digitakt… This is unfortunate, is there something I am missing?

I thought maybe because I am using the through on the grandmother it was lagging sending the signal but I tried going direct midi (without the grandma in the chain) and it has the same problem.

It may take a moment for the OpSix to register the program change, so if it’s receiving both the note and the program change information at the same time, it may not have time internally to make the switch.

If you are not using the first trig in the second pattern to play notes, you could send the program change data via a “trig-less” trig on the second pattern. Even if you do want to play the first note, you could likely still make the first trig “trig-less”, send the program change data with it, and then using microtiming on the second note to nudge it all the way to left, where it will virtually be on the first step.

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Thanks! These are both good ideas, I will test them out